Activate the License

After installing the
VMware Aria Operations for Networks
platform OVA, you must activate the license key that received in the welcome email.
  1. Open
    https://<VMware Aria Operations for Networks Platform IP address>
    in a web browser.
  2. Enter your license key, and click
    This step is only applicable for version 6.12. For version 6.12.1, this step is not applicable.
  3. For UI admin (
    ) user name, set the password.
    Your password must be alphanumeric, with a minimum of 8 characters and a maximum of 100 characters. Space between the characters is not allowed.
  4. Click
    It can take up to three minutes to activate the license key. Do not refresh the page.
    If you accidentally refresh the page, you must refresh the page again after two minutes to get back to this page.
  5. Add the
    VMware Aria Operations for Networks
    collector after activating the license.