The information on each entity page is
separated into pins. All the entity pages are made up of pins and each pin contains a
specific bit of information related to the entity.
Pins have the following features:
- You can maximize the view of any pin using theMore optionsbutton and also view more information about the pin using theHelpoption.
- Pins can also contain filters so that you can drill down on the data that is displayed on the pin.
- Many pins also contain theExport as CSVoption so that you can export the data present in the pin in CSV format. You can select the specific properties and the number of CSV rows you want to export in the dialog box that is displayed.The export as CSV feature for the flow data takes more than 30 minutes for 180,000 flows when all fields are selected.
- You can go back to the original page from the pinned page. To go to the original page, on the saved pin, click.
To add a pin, click the
icon, select the dashboard, and click
. You can find your saved pins on the All