Understanding Capacity for Collector and Platform Load

VMware Aria Operations for Networks
provides the approximate capacity and load information of a collector node and a platform. This limits-based information helps you to prevent the performance and experience issues later.

Understanding Capacity

There are two kinds of capacity:
  • VM capacity: It is defined as the number of discovered VMs that a node or a setup can handle.
  • Flow capacity: It is defined as the number of flows that a node or a setup can handle.
The capacity is defined as follows:
  • Single platform with one or more collector nodes: The capacity of a collector node or the platform is the number of discovered VMs that it can handle without the degradation of performance.
  • Cluster setup: The capacity of the platform in a cluster setup is the aggregation of all the capacities of all the platform nodes while the capacity of collector nodes is considered at the level of an individual node.

Accessing the Capacity Information

You can view
VM Capacity
Flow Capacity
on the
Infrastructure and Support
Infrastructure and Updates
For every collector node listed under Collector VMs, only the VM capacity information is provided.
When the number of discovered VMs from the data sources across the deployment exceed the capacity of either the system or the collector or both, you will not be allowed to trigger the upgrade.
To view the discovered VMs for a data source:
  1. In the
    Accounts and Data Sources
    page, you can see the number of VMs that have been discovered for a particular data source which is already added and currently active. This column will have a value only if the data source is vCenter or AWS source.
The discovered VM count includes placeholder and template VMs. So it can be different from the count of VMs in the product.