Enable IPFIX Configuration on VDS and
To enable IPFIX information at
level:- Select theEnable NetFlow (IPFIX) on this vCentercheck box when you are addingVMware vCenterinVMware Aria Operations for Networks.You see list of all the available VDS.
- Select the VDS for which you want to enable IPFIX from the list of available VDS inVMware vCenter.
- A notification icon is displayed for the VDS where one of the hosts has unsupported version of ESXi. IfVMware Aria Operations for Networkshas detected that IPFIX is already configured for a VDS with some other IP address apart fromVMware Aria Operations for Networkscollector VM, then it displays theOverridebutton. ClickOverrideto view the list of DVPGs under that VDS.
- The list of available DVPGs for the selected VDS is displayed. All the DVPGs are selected by default. TurnManual Selectionon to select specific DVPGs for which you want to enable IPFIX. Select the desired DVPGs and clickSubmit.The DVPG with a notification icon denotes that it is the uplink DVPG and it has to be selected.