Viewing Flows over Direct Connect

You can view the list of all flows that are running on the Direct Connect, which enables to view the traffic over Direct Connect. This helps you to analyze and understand the utilization level of Direct Connect.
When you search with the
Flows where connection =
Direct Connection_ID
query, you see the list of flows that pass over the Direct Connect, and also information such as the bandwidth utilization, and network traffic rate for a particular Direct Connect. Update this line - Under the Flow Type, you can see whether the flow is on VPN, Direct Connect, or on the hybrid network.
To see the Direct Connect flows only, you can run the following query:
flows where flow type = Direct Connect group by Connection
To see the count of flows and the data volume on each Direct Connect connection, run the following query:
max(series(sum(Bytes)))of Flows where flow type = Direct Connect and group by Connection
To see the count of flows and the packet count on each Direct Connect Interface, run the following query:
max(series(sum(packets)))of Flows where flow type = Direct Connect and group by Connection
For additional queries, see Direct Connect Search Queries.