Analyze Flow to Perform Security
, you can analyze flows to view micro-segmentations and traffic flow
patterns in your environment for better security planning. - In the left navigation pane, click.You seeSecurity Planningwindow.
- From theScopedrop-down menu, select one of the following options:OptionActionAll flowsSelect to analyze all the flows available in your environment.EntitiesSelect to analyze flows of a particular entity.ClickEntitiesand from the drop-down menu select the entity type.You can also use theSearch entity by nametext box to find and select multiple entities.When you click theSearch entity by nametext box, you can see the name of all the available entities for the selected entity type.Between entitiesSelect to analyze flows between two entities.
- From theEntity type 1drop-down menu, select an entity type. Also, you can useSearch entity by nametext box to enter the entities names.You can enter multiple entities in theSearch entity by nametext box.
- From theEntity type 2drop-down menu, select an entity type. Also, you can useSearch entity by nametext box to enter the entities names.You can enter multiple entities in theSearch entity by nametext box.
Flows matching propertiesSelect to analyze flows that match a specific condition. You can add multiple conditions by clickingADD CONDITION.Custom searchSelect to analyze flows that match a custom search query. - From theDurationdrop-down menu, select the time frame for which you want to analyze the flows. The system analyzes the flows that occurred between that specific time frame.
- From thePortsdrop-down menu, select one of the following:OptionActionAllSelect to analyze all ports available for the selected scope.Include PortsSelect to include specific ports that you want to analyze. Enter the names of the ports that you want to analyze in theSearch Portstext box.Exclude PortsSelect to exclude specific ports that you do not want to analyze. Enter the names of the ports that you do not want to analyze in theSearch Portstext box.If you have selectedFlows matching propertiesandCustom searchinScope, you do not seePortsdrop-down menu.
- TheGroup bydrop-down menu is auto-filled depending on what you select asScope.If necessary, you can change theGroup byby selecting appropriate option from drop-down menu.