Common Search Queries for Kubernetes Entities

You can search for Kubernetes entities details in
VMware Aria Operations for Networks

Common Queries

  • Search Flows :
    flows where
    Kubernetes Object
    Object name
    Example: flows where
    Kubernetes Cluster
  • View the service scale:
    kubernetes pods group by Kubernetes Services
  • View the node load:
    kubernetes Pods group by Kubernetes Node
  • View the node health:
    MemoryPressure and PIDPressure and DiskPressure and Ready of Kubernetes Node
  • View flow compliance:
    flows from Kubernetes Object
    name of the object
    to Kubernetes Object
    name of the object
    flows from Kubernetes Namespace
    to Kubernetes Namespace
  • View the Path topology:
    • Kubernetes service
      service name
      to Kubernetes service
      service name
    • Kubernetes service
      service name
      to Kubernetes pod
      pod name
    • Kubernetes pod
      pod name
      to Kubernetes pod
      pod name
    Queries on Kubernetes Object
    Kubernetes Object
    • kubernetes namespace where L2 Networks = '
    • list(Kubernetes Node) of Kubernetes Pod where Kubernetes Namespace = '
    • Return the Kubernetes namespace where it is connected to L2 Network 'a'
    • Return the list of Kubernetes nodes where Kubernetes namespace is 'a'
    • NSX-T Logical port where connectedto.modelKey in (modelKey of kubernetes nodes) order by Tx Packets desc
    • NSX-T Logical port where connectedto.modelKey in (modelKey of kubernetes pods) and Rx Packet Drops > 0
    • new kubernetes pod in last 1 hour
    • Return the list of logical ports which are connected to a node based on transferred packets in descending order
    • Return the list of logical ports which are connected to Kubernetes pods and Rx dropped packets > 0
    • New Kubernetes pods discovered in last one hour
    • kubernetes pods where kubernetes services is not set
    • kubernetes pods group by Kubernetes Services, Kubernetes Cluster
    • List of Kubernetes pods that does not have a service
    • Number of pods running on each service
    • kubernetes nodes where Ready != 'True'
    • kubernetes node where Virtual Machine = 'vm-a'
    • List of unhealthy Kubernetes nodes
    • Kubernetes node that is part of 'vm-a' virtual machine
    • flows where kubernetes service is set
    • flows where source kubernetes node = 'a'
    • List of flows where either a source or a destination Kubernetes service exists
    • List of flows where source Kubernetes node = 'a' or destination Kubernetes node = 'a'
Additional Queries
Applications that have Kubernetes entities
application where virtual member = ‘service-a’
List of all applications where Kubernetes service ‘service-a’ is a member
application where virtual member = ‘service-a’ and virtual member.Kubernetes Namespace = ‘namespace-b’
List of all applications where Kubernetes service ‘service-a’ and Kubernetes namespace is ‘namespace-b’ is a member
tier where virtual member = ‘service-a’ and virtual member.Kubernetes Namespace = ‘namespace-b’
List of all tiers where Kubernetes service ‘service-a’ and Kubernetes namespace is ‘namespace-b’ is a member
count of applications where Virtual Member in (kubernetes services)
The number of applications where member is of type Kubernetes service
count of applications where virtual member in (kubernetes services where Kubernetes Namespace = ‘sock-shop’)
The number of applications where member is of type Kubernetes service which is under Kubernetes namespace ‘sock-shop’
list(virtual member) of applications where Name = ‘app-1’ and virtual member.Kubernetes Cluster is set
List of all the Kubernetes services as members for the application ‘app-1’
nsx-t logical port where (ConnectedTo in (Kubernetes Pods where kubernetes cluster is set)) and Rx Packet Drops > 0 group by ConnectedTo order by max(Rx Packet Drops)
Rx Packet drops that are grouped based on Kubernetes pod
nsx-t logical port where (ConnectedTo in (Kubernetes Nodes where kubernetes cluster is set)) and Rx Packet Drops > 0 group by ConnectedTo order by max(Rx Packet Drops)
Rx Packet drops that are grouped based on Kubernetes node
nsx-t logical switch where Rx Packet Drops > 0 and Tag like ‘ncp/project:’ order by Rx Packet Drops
Rx Packet drops that are grouped based on Kubernetes namespace
nsx-t logical switch where Rx Packet Drops > 0 and Tag like ‘ncp/project:<namespace name>’
Rx Packet drops that are specific to a Kubernetes namespace
nsx-t logical port where (ConnectedTo in (Kubernetes Pods where kubernetes cluster is set)) and Rx Packet Drops > 0 group by ConnectedTo.Kubernetes service order by max(Rx Packet Drops)
Rx Packet drops that are grouped based on Kubernetes services
flows where firewall action = ‘DROP’ group by Kubernetes Service
Drop flows that are grouped based on Kubernetes services
flows where firewall action = ‘DROP’ group by source Kubernetes Namespace
List of all dropped flows that are grouped based on Kubernetes namespace
Kubernetes alerts
Kubernetes alerts where Problem Entity = ‘<pod/namespace/node Name>’
List of all Kubernetes alerts for the given Kubernetes entity. Kubernetes entity would be either pod or namespace or node
Kubernetes alerts where alert code = ‘ImagePullBackOff’ in last 24 hours
List of Kubernetes alerts of type ‘ImagePullBackOff’ in last 24 hours
Kubernetes alerts where problem entity.Kubernetes Cluster = ‘<cluster-a>’
List of all Kubernetes alerts for the given cluster