Sample Search Queries
Related to Load Balancer
To filter or search data related to the
load balancer, you can use search queries.
- vm where lbServiceNodes is set- Lists all the VMs that are hosting an application where the load is distributed.
- vm where lbServiceNodes is set and PowerState !='POWEREDON'- Lists all the VMs that are hosting a load balanced application, but currently non-functional.
- pool member where state = 'DISABLED'- Lists all pool members that are deactivated.
- Count of Pool Members where Service Port = '80'- Provides the count of all pool members for a particular type of service that are running on port 80.
- service node where virtual machine is not set- Lists all service nodes that are using physical servers as application servers. Or, shows theVMware vCenterServer that is hosting multiple VMs, and is not added inVMware Aria Operations for Networks.