VMware Cloud (VMC)
for AWS Entities

Here are the entities related to
VMware Cloud (VMC)
NSX Policy Manager:
  • NSX Policy Manager Data Source
  • NSX Policy Manager
  • NSX Policy Firewall
  • NSX Policy Firewall Rule
  • NSX Policy Segment
  • NSX Policy Based VPN
  • NSX Policy Group
If NSX-T 2.4 and
VMware Cloud (VMC)
are added as data sources in your
VMware Aria Operations for Networks
, then to get the
VMware Cloud (VMC)
entities, you must add
SDDC type = VMC
filter in your query. For example, to list the Policy Based VPNs for
VMware Cloud (VMC)
, enter
NSX Policy Based VPN where Tier0 = ‘’ and SDDC Type = ‘VMC’
Some sample search queries related to the
VMware Cloud (VMC)
entities are:
  • VMs where L2 Network = '' (L2 Network -> NSX Policy Segment)
  • NSX Policy Based VPN where Tier0 = ''
  • NSX Policy Based VPN where Local Network = '' (Local Network of Policy Based VPN Rule)
  • NSX Policy Based VPN where Remote Network = '' (Remote Network of Policy Based VPN Rule)
  • NSX Policy Group where Translated VM = ''
  • VM where NSX Policy Group = ''
  • NSX Policy Manager does not support child groups or IPSETS. Hence all the searches like
    NSX Policy firewall rule where Indirect __________ = ''
    NSX Policy group where Indirect _____= ''
    are deactivated.