Unable to get Distributed (DFW) flows from the NSX Manager

Not able to enable IPFIX after activating the
VMware Aria Operations for Networks
from the VMC Console. As a result,
VMware Aria Operations for Networks
unable to collect DFW flows for the NSX Manager.
VMware Aria Operations for Networks
is unable to collect DFW IPFIX flows from the NSX Manager. You see the following error message:
Operations for Networks IPFIX Collector configuration is absent on NSX Manager.
VMware Aria Operations for Networks
unable to collect DFW IPFIX flows from the NSX Manager because the
VMware Aria Operations for Networks
collector IP address and port details are not available in the DFW IPFIX collector profile.
To resolve this problem, you must delete an unused DFW profile from the NSX Manager or the Policy Manager. If the problem persists after removing an unused DFW profile, contact VMware Support.