Find Root Cause by Using Troubleshooting Incident

You can start a troubleshooting incident to find a root cause for any abnormality or problem that you have observed on an entity in
VMware Aria Operations for Networks
To find root causes in the
page, you can do the following steps.
  • In the
    Troubleshooting Insights
    widget, view the list of top three troubleshooting insights which contain troubleshooting hints.
    • Click the
      button to view insight which includes metric details and potential anomalies.
  • In the
    widget, select the related entities marked in red to view metrics details related to that entity to find potential anomalies or root cause.
    • You can drill down all the related entities that are marked as red, one by one, and view metrics reated to the entity to find the problem you are facing in your environment. Click (
      ) to expand each entity group.
      If required, you can also click other entities in the relationship graph and view the related metrics for your troubleshooting investigation.
  • In the metric, you can click
    to view correlated metric analysis.
    • While investigating the root cause you can use filter to find specific metrics and alerts of your interest. All the anomalies in a metrics highlighted by (an inverted triangle). You can also flag a metric and mark a metric as root cause.
  • Use the Notes sections to add your thoughts and observations. Anyone who opens this session can see your notes.
  • When your investigation is complete, you can close the session by clicking
    Close Session
    You can close a session as resolved or unresolved. Resolved status implies you have found a root cause and unresolved status implies that you did not find any root cause. You can also add remarks while closing a session to note down any comments.
    You can work on a closed incident irrespective of the resolution. You can also change the status to resolve or unresolved. But, you cannot reopen a closed incident.