Create and Delete Groups by Using a CSV File

You can use the network map group tool to create and delete groups by adding a CSV file.
To use a CSV file to create a group in your network map, the file must include the following three mandatory columns:
  • Member
    : Includes the member, which can be a device or subgroup, you want to add. The member can be identified through a name or IP address. The device or subgroup must be part of the network map. If the member is a subgroup, it must be a top-level group available in the network map. The member must not be part of any other group. If the member is a device, it should be an orphan device, not part of any existing group.
    If the IP address is used as the identification method for a member, it is expected to be the manager IP address. For managed devices, such as Panorama or Check Point, the expected IP address is the device IP address. If the member is a ESX host group, either group name or host IP address can be specified as the member.
  • GroupName
    : Includes the name of the new group that you want to create. It must not be part of the network map.
  • Color
    : Includes the color coding for the group. If the color you want to add is spelled with two words, the words should be separated by a whitespace. For example, Lemon Yellow. Supported colors include Black, Blue, Brown, Cyan, Gold, Green, Grey, Lemon Yellow, Light Grey, Light Red, Magenta, Mustard, Navy Blue, Neon Green, Neon Pink, Olive Green, Orange, Purple, Red, Sea Green, Sky Blue, and Violet.
The following are two example CSV files. The first example includes device members, while the second includes subgroup members.
Member,GroupName,Color d1,g1,Red d2,g1,Red d3,g3,Lemon Yellow d4,g3,Lemon Yellow d5,g4,Green,g5,Cyan
Member,GroupName,Color g1,g2,Blue g2,g3,Blue g3,g4,Cyan g5,g6,Red g7,g8,Magenta
  1. Log in to the
    VMware Aria Operations for Networks
    command line interface.
  2. To validate your new group before creating it, you can run the network map group tool command with the
    To validate a group with subgroup members, for example, run the
    network_map_group_tool -path <pathToFile> -m group -v
  3. To create a group with subgroup members, run the
    network_map_group_tool -path <pathToFile> -m group
  4. To create a group with device members, run the
    network_map_group_tool -path <pathToFile> -m device
  5. To delete all groups specified in a given CSV file, run the
    network_map_group_tool -d -path <pathToFile>
  6. To delete all user defined groups, run the
    network_map_group_tool -d