Running the VMware Aria
Operations 8.17.1
Pre-Upgrade Readiness Assessment Tool
VMware Aria
Pre-Upgrade Readiness Assessment ToolBefore upgrading, you can gauge the
impact on your system by running the
VMware Aria
Readiness Assessment Tool (Assessment Tool). The tool generates a report detailing the
precise impact on your environment and gives suggestions for replacement metrics. You must have administrator privileges in your current
installation of
VMware Aria
to download and run the Assessment
Tool. For more information on using the upgrade assessment tool, see the following
KB article 67311. Using the Assessment Tool
consists of four distinct steps:
- Download the corresponding version of the PAK file from Broadcom Support Portal.
- Run theVMware Aria OperationsPre-Upgrade Readiness Assessment Tool.
- Extract the report from the generated ZIP file.
- Click the various items in the report to link to the solutions grid.
You must run the Assessment Tool on the instance
of the
VMware Aria
installation that you want to assess -
typically your production system. The Assessment Tool does not alter anything in
your system, and deletes itself when it has completed its run. It leaves behind only
the assessment result - a support bundle that you download from the Support Bundles
section of the VMware Aria
Administration user interface. - Download the corresponding version of the Assessment Tool PAK from Broadcom Support Portal to your local machine. Search for APUAT or VMware Aria Operations - Upgrade Assessment Tool.
- Open a browser and navigate to theVMware Aria Operationsadministrator console: https://<primary_node_IP>/admin.Then log into the administrator user interface with the user IDadminand the associated password.
- In the left pane of the administration home page, clickSoftware Update.The Software Update screen appears.
- ClickInstall a Software Updateat the top of the screen.The Add Software Update workspace appears.
- Click theBrowselink and navigate to the PAK file you downloaded in Step 1.A check mark appears next to the statement:The selected file is ready to upload and install. Click UPLOAD to continue.
- Ensure that a check mark appears next to the statement:Install the PAK file even if it is already installed.Leave blank the check box next to Reset Default Content...
- Click theUPLOADlink.The PAK file is uploaded from your local machine toVMware Aria Operations. Uploading may take a few minutes.
- Once the PAK file is uploaded, clickNEXT.The End User License Agreement appears.
- Click the check box next to the statement:I accept the terms of this agreement.ClickNEXT. The Important Update and Release Information screen appears.
- Review the release information and clickNEXT. At the Install Software Update screen, clickINSTALL.The Software Update screen appears again, this time with a rotating icon and aninstallation in marking the progress of the PAK file and assessment as they run on your environment. The process can take from five to 20 minutes, depending on the size of your system.
- When the process is complete, clickSupportin the left pane.The Support screen appears.
- Select theSupport Bundlesoption above the toolbar.The available support bundles are listed.
- Locate the support bundle most recently created. Click the chevron next to the bundle name to open the file and select it, then click the download link on the toolbar to save the support bundle ZIP file to your local files.
- To review the report, extract the files from the ZIP file and open the HTML file. (Do not open the CSV file, it is for VMware use only.)The report is a graphical depiction of yourVMware Aria OperationsUI components - dashboards, reports, management packs, alerts, heat maps, and so on - and includes the number of deprecated metrics impacting each component. For example, you might find that 10 of your 25 dashboards contain a total of 15 deprecated metrics.
- Click a component.The report details for that component are listed following the graphics, under Impacted Component Details. Taking dashboards as an example, the list provides - for each dashboard - the dashboard name, owner, widgets removed, metric-impacted views, and metric-impacted widgets. The deprecated metrics are live links.
- Click a live metric link.A browser window opens at URL with the selected metric highlighted in a table of like metrics. If a replacement metric is available for the deprecated metric, it is listed in the same row by name and metric key. You might choose to install the new metric in place of the deprecated metric.
- Repeat Steps 15 and 16 for all your components.If you replace the deprecated metrics with new metrics, or update each component to provide needed information without the deprecated metrics, your system is ready for the upgrade.
- Rerun the entire assessment process from Step 1 to confirm that your system is no longer impacted or at least mostly not impacted by the metrics changes.
- Once you have upgraded toVMware Aria Operations8.17.1, fix the remaining issues with replacement metrics available in the new release.
VMware Aria
components are updated to work correctly in the 8.17.1 release. Once you have installed
VMware Aria
conduct, at a minimum, random testing to determine if system metrics are operating
as you expect. Monitor the platform on an ongoing basis to confirm that you are
receiving the correct data.