Summary of Configuring
an Adapter Instance Requests
You make
sequential API requests to configure an adapter instance. Responses from
earlier requests yield information required for a subsequent requests.
| Request
| Request Body
| Response
Get all solutions registered with the product
and identify the adapter types
| GET < API-URL >/suite-api/api/solutions
| None
| adapterkindkeys
Get all the object types for a particular
adapter type.
| GET < API-URL >/suite-api/api/adapterkinds/{key}/resourcekinds
| None
| resourceIdentifierTypes
Create an adapter instance object
| POST < API-URL >/suite-api/api/adapters
| Values for
resourceIdentifiers and
credential | adapterid
Patch an adapter instance to acknowledge the
presented certificate
| PATCH < API-URL >/suite-api/api/adapters
| API response of POST < API-URL >/suite-api/api/adapters
| API response of POST < API-URL >/suite-api/api/adapters
adapter-cerfiticates |
Start adapter monitoring
| PUT < API-URL >/suite-api/api/adapters/{adapterid}/monitoringstate/start
| None
| 200 OK