VC Pricing Migration Audit

The vCenter Pricing Migration Audit provides details of the migration of pricing cards to
VMware Aria Operations

Where You Audit vCenter Pricing Migration Components

  1. To audit vCenter Pricing Migration components, from the left menu, click
    and then click the
  2. From the
    page, click
    Chargeback Audit tab
    VC Pricing Migration Audit tab
vCenter Pricing Migration Audit Actions
Download the vCenter Pricing migration information to a report in PDF or XLS format.
Date Range
Display the list of vCenter Pricing migration activities performed in the past based on a selected number of hours, days, weeks, months, or years, or between two specific dates and times.
Starting Line
Indicates the starting line of the file . 0 is for the first line. -1 or no value indicates that the file has to be displayed from the end.
Number of Lines
Specifies the number of lines to be displayed in the search result. For example: If you want to see the first 10 occurrences of a particular chunk of text, enter the number of lines as 10 and the starting line as 0.
Filters the data according to User ID, User Name, Auth Source, Session, Client IP, Category, and Message.
For more information about vCenter pricing migration, see Migration of vCenter Pricing Cards to vCenter Pricing Policies