Actions Supported for
Recommendations can identify ways to
remediate problems indicated by an alert. Some of these remediations can be associated with
actions defined in your
VMware Aria
instance. You can automate several of these remediation actions for
an alert when that recommendation is the first priority for that alert. You activate actionable alerts in your policies. By
default, automation is deactivated in policies. To configure automation for your
policy, in the menu, click
. Then, to edit a policy, access the Alert / Symptom
workspace, and select Local
for the
setting in the Alert / Symptom Definitions pane. When an action is automated, you can use the
columns in to identify the automated action and view the results of the action. - VMware Aria Operationsuses theautomationAdminuser account to trigger automated actions. For these automated actions that are triggered by alerts, the Submitted By column displays theautomationAdminuser.
- The Alert column displays the alert that triggered the action. When an alert is triggered that is associated to the recommendation, it triggers the action without any user intervention.
The following actions are
supported for automation:
- Delete Powered Off VM
- Delete Idle VM
- Move VM
- Power Off VM
- Power On VM
- Set CPU Count And Memory for VM
- Set CPU Count And Memory for VM Power Off Allowed
- Set CPU Count for VM
- Set CPU Count for VM Power Off Allowed
- Set CPU Resources for VM
- Set Memory for VM
- Set Memory for VM Power Off Allowed
- Set Memory Resources for VM
- Shut Down Guest OS for VM
Roles Needed to
Automate Actions
To automate actions, your role
must have the following permissions:
- Create, edit, and import policies in.
- Create, clone, edit, and import alert definitions in.
- Create, edit, and import recommendation definitions in.
set the permissions used to run the actions separately from the alert and
recommendation definition. Anyone who can modify alerts, recommendations, and
policies can also automate the action, even if they do not have permission to
run the action.
For example, if you do not have access to the Power Off
VM action, but you can create and modify alerts and recommendations, you can see the
Power Off VM action and assign it to an alert recommendation. Then, if you automate
the action in your policy,
VMware Aria
uses the automationAdmin
user to
run the action. Example Action
Supported for Automation
For the Alert Definition named
Virtual machine has chronic high CPU workload leading to CPU
, you can automate the action named
Set CPU Count for VM
When CPU stress on your
virtual machines exceeds a critical, immediate, or warning level, the alert
triggers the recommended action without user intervention.