Add a Virtual Machine CPU Usage Symptom to the Alert Definition

To generate alerts related to CPU usage on your accounting virtual machines, you add symptoms to your
VMware Aria Operations
alert definition after you provide the basic descriptive information for the alert. The first symptom you add is related to CPU usage on virtual machines. You later use a policy and group to apply alert to the accounting virtual machines.
Begin configuring the alert definition. See Add Description and Base Object to Alert Definition.
This scenario has two symptoms, one for the accounting virtual machines and one to monitor the hosts on which the virtual machines operate.
  1. In the
    Alert Definition Workspace
    window, after you configure the
    Name and Description
    Base Object Type
    , and
    Alert Impact
    , click
    and configure the symptoms.
  2. Begin configuring the symptom set related to virtual machines CPU usage.
    1. From the
      Select Symptom
      drop-down menu, select
      Metric / Property
    2. From the
      Defined On
      drop-down menu, select
    3. From the
      Filter by Object Type
      drop-down menu, select
      Virtual Machine
    4. Click
      Create New
      to open the
      Add Symptom Definition
      workspace window.
  3. Configure the virtual machine CPU usage symptom in the
    Add Symptom Definition
    workspace window.
    1. From the
      Base Object Type
      drop-down menu, expand
      vCenter Adapter
      and select
      Virtual Machine
      The collected metrics for virtual machines appears in the list.
    2. In the metrics list
      text box, which searches the metric names, type
    3. In the list, expand
      and drag
      Usage (%)
      to the workspace on the left.
    4. From the threshold drop-down menu, select
      Dynamic Threshold
      Dynamic thresholds use
      VMware Aria Operations
      analytics to identify the trend metric values for objects.
    5. In the
      Symptom Definition Name
      text box, type a name similar to
      VM CPU Usage above trend
    6. From the criticality drop-down menu, select
    7. From the threshold drop-down menu, select
      Above Threshold
    8. Leave the
      Wait Cycle
      Cancel Cycle
      at the default values of 3.
      This Wait Cycle setting requires the symptom condition to be true for 3 collection cycles before the symptom is triggered. This wait avoids triggering the symptom when there is a short spike in CPU usage.
    9. Click
    The dynamic symptom, which identifies when the usage is above the tracked trend, is added to the symptom list.
  4. In the
    Alert Definition Workspace
    window, drag
    VM CPU Usage above trend
    from the symptom definition list to the symptom workspace on the left.
    The Child-Virtual Machine symptom set is added to the symptom workspace.
  5. In the symptoms set, configure the triggering condition so that when the symptom is true on half of the virtual machines in the group to which this alert definition is applied, the symptom set is true.
    1. From the value operator drop-down menu, select
    2. In the value text box, enter
    3. From the value type drop-down menu, select
You defined the first symptom set for the alert definition.
Add the host memory usage symptom to the alert definition. See Add a Host Memory Usage Symptom to the Alert Definition.