Managing Alert Groups in
VMware Aria Operations

For easy and better management of alerts, you can arrange them as a group as per your requirement.
It is complicated to identify a problem in large environments as you receive different kind of alerts. To manage alerts easily, group them by their definitions.
For example, there are 1000 alerts in your system. To identify different types of alerts, group them based on their alert definitions. It is also easy to detect the alert having the highest severity in the group.
When you group alerts, you can view the number of times the alerts with the same alert definition are triggered. By grouping alerts, you can perform the following tasks easily and quickly:
  • Find the noisiest alert: The alert that has triggered maximum number of times is known as the noisiest alert. Once you find it, you can deactivate it to avoid further noise.
  • Filter alerts: You can filter alerts based on a substring in alert definitions. The result shows the group of alerts that contain the substring.
  • If you cancel or deactivate an alert group, the alerts are not canceled instantly. It might take some time if the group is large.
  • Only one group can be expanded at a time.
  • The number next to the group denotes the number of alerts in that particular group.
  • The criticality signCaution symbol that indicates the alert that is most severe. indicates the highest level of severity of an alert in a group.