Super Metric Functions
and Operators
VMware Aria
includes functions and operators that you can use in super metric
formulas. The functions are either looping functions or single functions. Looping
Looping functions work on more
than one value.
| Description
| Average of the collected values.
| Combines all the values of the metrics of the
included objects in a single metric timeline.
| Number of values collected.
| Maximum value of the collected values.
| Minimum value of the collected values.
| Total of the collected values.
Operations Manager
5.x included two sum functions: sum (expr)
and sumN (expr, depth)
Operations Manager
6.x includes one sum function: sum (expr)
. Depth is set
at depth=1 by default. For more information about setting depth, refer to Create a Super Metric. Looping Function
The looping function returns
an attribute or metric value for an object or object type. An attribute is
metadata that describes the metric for the adapter to collect from the object.
A metric is an instance of an attribute. The argument syntax defines the
desired result.
For example, CPU usage is an
attribute of a virtual machine object. If a virtual machine has multiple CPUs,
the CPU usage for each CPU is a metric instance. If a virtual machine has one
CPU, then the function for the attribute or the metric return the same result.
Argument syntax example
| Description
funct (${this, metric
=a|b:optional_instance|c })
| Returns a single data point of a particular
metric for the object to which the super metric is assigned. This super metric
does not take values from the children or parents of the object.
funct (${this,
attribute=a|b:optional_instance|c })
| Returns a set of data points for attributes
of the object to which the super metric is assigned. This super metric does not
take values from the child or parent of the object.
funct (${adaptertype=adaptkind ,
objecttype=reskind ,
resourcename=resname ,
identifiers={id1=val1 id2=val2 ,…},
metric=a|b:instance|c })
| Returns a single data point of a particular
metric for the
resname specified in
the argument. This super metric does not take values from the children or
parents of the object.
funct (${adaptertype=adaptkind ,
objecttype=reskind ,
resourcename=resname ,
id2=val2,… }, attribute=a|b:optional_instance|c })
| Returns a set of data points. This function
iterates attributes of the
resname specified in
the argument. This super metric does not take values from the child or parent
of the object.
funct (${adaptertype=adaptkind ,
objecttype=reskind , depth=dep }, metric=a|b:optional_instance|c })
| Returns a set of data points. This function
iterates metrics of the
reskind specified in
the argument. This super metric takes values from the child (depth > 0) or
parent (depth < 0) objects, where
depth describes the
object location in the relationship chain.
For example, a typical
relationship chain includes a data center, cluster, host, and virtual machines.
The data center is at the top and the virtual machines at the bottom. If the
super metric is assigned to the cluster and the function definition includes
depth = 2, the super metric takes values from the virtual machines. If the
function definition includes depth = -1, the super metric takes values from the
data center.
funct (${adaptertype=adaptkind ,
objecttype=reskind , depth=dep },
attribute=a|b:optional_instance|c })
| Returns a set of data points. This function
iterates attributes of the
reskind specified in
the argument. This super metric takes values from the child (depth > 0) or
parent (depth < 0) objects.
For example,
objecttype=VirtualMachine, attribute=cpu|usage_average, depth=1})
averages the value of all metric instances with the cpu|usage_average attribute for
all objects of type VirtualMachine
that the vCenter adapter finds. VMware Aria
for objects one level below the object type where you assign the super metric. Single
Single functions work on only
a single value or a single pair of values.
| Format
| Description
abs | abs(x)
| Absolute value of x. x can be any floating
point number.
acos | acos(x)
| Arccosine of x.
asin | asin(x)
| Arcsine of x.
atan | atan(x)
| Arctangent of x.
ceil | ceil(x)
| The smallest integer that is greater than or
equal to x.
cos | cos(x)
| Cosine of x.
cosh | cosh(x)
| Hyperbolic cosine of x.
exp | exp(x)
| e raised to the power of x.
floor | floor(x)
| The largest integer that is less than or
equal to x.
log | log(x)
| Natural logarithm (base
x ) of x.
log10 | log10(x)
| Common logarithm (base 10) of x.
pow | pow(x,y)
| Raises x to the y power.
rand | rand()
| Generates a pseudo random floating number
greater than or equal to 0.0 and less than 1.0.
sin | sin(x)
| Sine of x.
sinh | sinh(x)
| Hyperbolic sine of x.
sqrt | sqrt(x)
| Square root of x.
tan | tan(x)
| Tangent of x.
tanh | tanh(x)
| Hyperbolic tangent of x.
Operators are mathematical
symbols and text to enclose or insert between functions.
| Description
| Plus
| Subtract
| Multiply
| Divide
| Modulo
| Equal
| Not equal
| Less than
| Less than, or equal
| Greater than
| Greater than, or equal
| Or
| And
| Not
? :
| Ternary operator. If/then/else
example: conditional_expression ? expression_if_condition_is_true :
For more information
about ternary operators, see
Enhancing Your Super Metrics.
( )
| Parentheses
[ ]
| Use in an array of expressions
[x, y, z]
| An array containing x, y, z. For example,
min([x, y, z])
String Operators
| Description
| Returns true if metric/property string value
is equal to specified string.
| Returns true if metric/property string value
contains specified string.
| Returns true if metric/property string value
starts with the specified prefix.
| Returns true if metric/property string value
ends with the specified suffix.
| Returns true if metric/property string value
is not equal to specified string.
| Returns true if metric/property string value
does not contain specified string.
| Returns true if metric/property string value
does not start with the specified prefix.
| Returns true if metric/property string value
does not end with the specified suffix.
String operators are
valid in 'where' condition only. For example:
${this, metric=summary|runtime|isIdle, where = "System
Properties|resource_kind_type !contains GENERAL"}