Configuring IAM
When you set up IAM users and groups,
you can stipulate which permissions the account has for API calls. The keys you use when you set
up the adapter instance must have certain permissions activated.
For each supported
Service, the ReadOnlyAccess
permission is enough to
collect metrics. Use the permission to create a IAM Policy for all supported services and
their related services.To use resource groups tagging API operations,
see Resource
Groups Tagging API Reference and Services that
support the Resource Groups Tagging API.
Log in to the
console and create a json similar to the following to get the list of
privileges for the service: { "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Action": [ "autoscaling:Describe*", "cloudwatch:Describe*", "cloudwatch:Get*", "cloudwatch:List*", "logs:Get*", "logs:List*", "logs:Describe*", "logs:TestMetricFilter", "logs:FilterLogEvents", "sns:Get*", "sns:List*" ], "Effect": "Allow", "Resource": "*" } ] }
| Required
| Permissions
| describeRegions is required. describeInstances
and describeVolumes are only required if you subscribe to the EC2 service.
| For more information, see EC2
Read Only Access json. |
ELB (Elastic Load Balancing) | Required if subscribing to the ELB service.
| For the list of permissions, see Elastic Load Balancing Read Only Access json. |
ELB V2 | Required for application load balancer service. |
| Required if subscribing to the EMR service.
| describe*
| Required if subscribing to RDS service.
| For the list of permissions, see RDS
Read Only Access json. |
| Required if subscribing to ElasticCache
| For the list of permissions, see Elastic Cache Read Only Access json. |
| Required if subscribing to SQS service.
| For the list of permissions, see SQS
Read Only Access json. |
Elastic Container Registry
| For the list of permissions, see Elastic Container Read Only Access json. | |
Elastic Container Service
| list* | |
| For the list of permissions, see Lambda
Read Only Access json and refer to the AWS Lambda policy. | |
| describe* list* | |
Cloud Front Distribution
| For the list of permissions, see Cloud
Front Distribution Read Only Access json. | |
VPN Connection
| describe* | |
VPC NAT Gateway
| describe* | |
Elastic IP
| describe* | |
| describe* | |
Hosted Zone
| list* | |
Health Checks
| list* | |
Personalzie | list* describe* | |
APIGateway | get* | |
Elastic Inference | describe* | |
Glue | get* | |
Storage Gateway | Required if subscribing to the storage gateway service. | listGateways describeGatewayInformation listFileShares describeSMBFileShares describeNFSFileShares listVolumes |