Showback vSphere Pod Cost Dashboard

The Showback vSphere Pod Cost Dashboard provides a quick Showback of the cost associated with the vSphere Pods in a group. Based on the Showback you can improve the accuracy of the costs by editing the cost drivers. Cost Drivers that are not customized use reference cost, cost driver customization is available only in Advanced or Enterprise edition of
VMware Aria Operations

How to Use the Dashboard

  • Select an object in the Select a Group widget to view the cost of the group.
  • Cost Summary (This Month) shows the month to date cost and projected cost of the group.
  • vSphere Pod Cost Distribution (Top 100) shows the most expensive vSphere Pods in the group.
  • Idle vSphere Pods shows the vSphere Pods that have been identified as potentially idle.
  • Members of the Group (Select to View Trend) shows the cost and configuration of each vSphere Pod in the selected group.
  • Cost Trend of Selected vSphere Pod shows the trend of the vSphere Pod's cost over time.