Azure Kubernetes Service Overview Dashboard

Azure Kubernetes Service Overview
dashboard is built to provide an overview of your Azure Kubernetes Service environment. You can view the number of clusters configured, along with the configured pods, and pods which are in a Ready state. By default, the numbers are displayed at the Azure World level and you can filter by subscription, region, and resource group.

How To Use The Dashboard?

  • Subscriptions
    widget: Displays all the subscriptions available. Select a subscription from the list.
  • Regions
    widget: Displays the regions associated with the subscription you selected.
  • Resource Groups
    widget: Displays the resource groups associated with the subscription you selected.
  • Clusters
    widget: Displays the total number of Azure Kubernetes Service clusters configured for the selected subscription, region, and resource group.
  • Clusters Configured
    widget: Displays a list of configured clusters and their details such as, the name, the FQDN, and the provisioning state.
  • Cluster Details
    widget: Displays the details of the selected configured cluster such as the CPU cores available, the memory available, whether RBAC enabled, and the version.
  • Number of Pods
    widget: Displays the number of pods for the selected configured cluster.
  • Number of Pods in Ready State
    widget: Displays the number of pods for the selected configured cluster that are in the Ready state.