Azure Virtual Machine Dashboard

Using the
Azure Virtual Machine
dashboard you can manage the network and CPU utilization of your Virtual Machines.
You can use the
Azure Virtual Machine
dashboard to monitor the health of all your Virtual Machines in the Azure inventory and filter them based on subscriptions, regions, and resource groups. The dashboard displays the active and the total number of Virtual Machines. You can also view the size of the instances, their CPU utilization, and network bandwidth at the Azure World level.
Azure Virtual Machine
dashboard displays the top 10 Virtual Machines with the highest and the lowest CPU, and network bandwidth at the Azure World level. You can filter this information and view it based on subscriptions, resource groups, and regions per subscription.
Azure Virtual Machine
dashboard helps you answer several key questions:
  • How many Virtual Machines are there?
  • How many Virtual Machines are running or shut down?
  • What alerts are being generated for the Virtual Machines?
  • What are the key metrics for a specific Virtual Machine?

How to Use the Dashboard?

Azure Virtual Machine
dashboard displays the subscription names, available regions, Virtual Machines by size, and the total number of Virtual Machines at the Azure World level. It also displays the top ten Virtual Machines with the highest and lowest CPU utilization and CPU distribution, the top ten Virtual Machines with the highest and lowest network bandwidth and network distribution. You can also view the Virtual Machines according to their power state and duration for which were running and view the alerts for the Virtual Machines. You can also view the list of Virtual Machines with key metrics at the Azure World level.
  • Subscriptions
    widget: Displays the total number of Azure subscriptions being monitored at the Azure World level. Select a subscription from the table to refresh the dashboard and view the Virtual Machine information for the specific subscription.
  • Regions
    widget: Select a region to filter the displayed information and view the data for Virtual Machines per region.
  • Resource Groups
    widget: Select a resource group to filter the displayed information and view the data for Virtual Machines per resource group.
    You can filter Virtual Machines either by Regions or by Resource Groups at a time.
  • Virtual Machines List
    widget: Displays the list of Virtual Machines with key metrics at the Azure World level. The list of Virtual Machines gets updated according to the subscription and region/resource group you select. Select a Virtual Machine to view its key details, CPU utilization, and network bandwidth for a particular Virtual Machine.
  • Alert List
    widget: Displays alerts based on the project and region you select. Click the alert name to view the details of the alert.