VMC Management VM Monitoring Dashboard

Use the
VMC Management VM Monitoring
dashboard to monitor the utilization and performance of the key management VMs running in your SDDC. This dashboard ensures that the management components (such as vCenter and NSX) are not facing any resource bottlenecks from the CPU, memory, network, and storage perspectives.
Widgets in VMC Management VM Monitoring Dashboard
CPU Usage & Performance
Displays the list of all the management components in each SDDC with key CPU utilization and performance KPIs. Select a management VM to see the usage and performance trends of all the CPU cores.
Memory Usage & Performance
Displays the list of all the management components in each SDDC with key Memory utilization and performance KPIs. Select a management VM to see the memory usage and performance trends.
Network Usage & Performance
Displays the list of all the management components in each SDDC with key Network utilization and performance KPIs. Select a management VM to see the memory usage and performance trends.
Storage Usage & Performance
Displays the list of all the management components in each SDDC with key storage utilization and performance KPIs. Select a management VM to see the network usage and performance trends.