VMC Utilization and Performance
Use the
VMC Utilization and Performance
dashboard to view the
utilization and performance overview of each SDDC based on heavy hitter VMs and impacted VMs
over the last 30 days. This dashboard helps you in finding the VMs in your environment that
are negatively impacting the capacity or performance from a CPU, memory, storage, or network
perspective.Widgets in VMC Utilization and
Performance Dashboard
List of VMC SDDCs: displays the list of
all the SDDCs with aggregate CPU, memory, and storage utilization with 95th
percentile and maximum values over the last 30 days.
When you select one of the SDDC from the
List of VMC SDDCs widget, you can see the list of top VMs that are consuming
compute, network & storage resources in that SDDC. The widgets after that show
the compute (CPU & memory) utilization and performance analysis, network,
storage, and utilization and performance analysis.
Each section in the dashboard is based on
the last 30 days data with 95th percentile transformation which is configurable to
Max, Average, Current, Standard Deviation, or other mathematical