Widget and View Interactions Details

You can connect widgets and views so that the information they show depends on each other.

Where You Create Widget and View Interactions

To create interactions for widgets or views in a dashboard, from the left menu, click
. From the
panel, click
to add a dashboard. From the toolbar, click
Show Interactions
To edit your dashboard, from the left menu, click
. From the
panel, select the dashboard you want to edit and select
Edit Dashboard
Internal interactions are interactions defined between widgets in a single dashboard. External interactions are interactions defined between a widget in one dashboard and widget/s in another dashboard.

How to Create and Remove Widget Interactions

The list of available interactions depends on the widgets or views in the dashboard. Widgets and views can provide, receive, and can both provide and receive interactions at the same time.
To create interactions, click
Show Interactions
. Click a provider plug and drag to the receiver. You can also apply interactions from receiver to provider plugs. For more information about how interactions work, see Widget Interactions.
To remove interactions, click on the interaction line and select
Remove Interaction
. You can also click the provider plug and select
Remove Interaction
<widget name>
You can create up to 25 widget interactions in a dashboard.

How to Easily View Widget Interactions

To view widget interactions from a dashboard, click on an object from a provider widget that has widget interactions defined. A window appears with the external and internal widget interaction details. Clicking on an external interaction takes you to the external dashboard. Click on the internal interaction to view the details in the receiver widget.