Badge Metrics
Badge metrics
provide information for badges in the user interface. They report the health,
risk, and efficiency of objects in your environment.
VMware Aria
6.x analyzes badge metric data at five-minute
averages, instead of hourly. As a result, you might find that efficiency and risk
badge calculations are more sensitive than in previous versions. Badge metrics
continue to be published nightly. Metric Name
| Description
| Badge|Compliance(%) metric shows the compliance score for the given
object based on the number of violated and total number of
compliance symptoms calculated with the following formula
[Math.round(100 -
(((double)triggeredSymptoms/totalSymptoms)*100))] . So,
this metric shows the compliance score per object based on the
violated symptoms (which can be seen under the object's details
Compliance tab). This metric should not be mixed up with the
compliance score shown for the benchmark in the page which considers compliant/non-compliant vs total
objects.Badge|Compliance(%) metric is used in 4 views: - Compliance
\ VM Distribution - Compliance \ vSphere Distributed Port Groups -
Compliance \ vSphere ESXi Hosts - Compliance \ vSphere VMs, as well
as 1 deprecated dashboard's widget - vSphere Security Compliance
dashboard's Compliance Summary widget. |
| Overall score for efficiency. The final
score is between 1-100. Where Green - 100, Yellow - 75, Orange - 50, Red - 25,
Unknown: -1. The score is derived from the criticality of alerts in the
Efficiency category.
| Overall score for health. The final score is
between 1-100. Where Green - 100, Yellow - 75, Orange - 50, Red - 25, Unknown:
-1. The score is derived from the criticality of alerts in the Health category.
| Overall score for risk. The final score is
between 1-100. Where Green - 0, Yellow - 25, Orange - 50, Red - 75, Unknown:
-1. The score is derived from the criticality of alerts in the Risk category.