Log Insight
Generated Metrics

The metrics in the
Log Insight
Generated group provide information that you can use to observe or troubleshoot
vRealize Operations Manager
for failures and to monitor performance.
vRealize Operations Manager
is integrated with
Log Insight
and metric calculation is enabled,
Log Insight
calculates the number of logs corresponding to different queries and sends them as metrics to
vRealize Operations Manager
. These metrics are calculated for
objects, host objects, and virtual machine objects. The metrics can be mapped to a
vRealize Operations Manager
object based on the
Log Insight
, which is constructed based on hostname or source fields.
Log Insight Generated Metrics
Metric Name
Log Insight
Generated|Error Count
The number of error logs for the selected object.
Key: log_insight_generated|error_count
Log Insight
Generated|Total Log Count
The total number of logs for the selected object.
Key: log_insight_generated|total_log_count
Log Insight
Generated|Warning Count
The number of warning logs for the selected object.
Key: log_insight_generated|warning_count