Host System Metrics

VMware Aria Operations
collects many metrics for host systems, including CPU use, datastore, disk, memory, network, storage, and summary metrics for host system objects.
Capacity metrics can be calculated for host system objects. See Capacity Analytics Generated Metrics.

GPU Metrics

GPU metrics provide information about the GPU usage and performance.
Metric Name
Metrics Aggregated at Host Level
GPU|Compute Utilization (%)
The compute utilization percentage of a GPU.
GPU|Memory Usage (%)
Memory currently in use as a percentage of total available memory.
GPU|Memory Used (KB)
The amount of GPU memory used in kilobytes.
GPU|Number of GPUs
Number of GPUs.
GPU|Total Memory (KB)
Total memory in kilobytes.
GPU Level Metrics
GPU|<GPU-ID>|Compute Utilization (%)
The compute utilization percentage of a GPU.
GPU|<GPU-ID>|Memory Usage (%)
Memory currently in use as a percentage of total available memory.
GPU|<GPU-ID>|Memory Used (KB)
The amount of GPU memory used in kilobytes.
GPU|<GPU-ID>|Memory Reserved (KB)
The amount of GPU memory reserved in kilobytes.
GPU|<GPU-ID>|Total Memory (KB)
Total memory in kilobytes.
GPU|<GPU-ID>|Temperature (Celsius
The temperature of a GPU in degrees celsius.
GPU|<GPU-ID>|Power Used (Watt)
The power used by a GPU in watts.

Host System Metrics for ROI Dashboard

Host system metrics provide information about cost saving across vCenters
Metric Name
Cost|Monthly Additional Total Cost
This metric shows the total sum of additional cost across all the vCenters for an entire month.
Key: cost|additionalTotalCost

Configuration Metrics for Host Systems

Configuration metrics provide information about host system configuration.
Metric Name
Displays the hyperthreading status of the host.
Key: configuration|hypwerthreading|active
Displays whether the hyperthreading option is available for this host.
Key: configuration|hypwerthreading|available
Configuration|Storage Device|Multipath Info|Total number of Active Path
Displays the amount of active path information for the storage device
Key: configuration|storagedevice|multipathinfo|total numberofActive path
Configuration|Storage Device|Total number of path
Displays the total number of path for the storage device.
Key: configuration|storagedevice|total number of path
Configuration|Failover Hosts
Failover Hosts.
Key: configuration|dasConfig|admissionControlPolicy|failoverHost

Hardware Metrics for Host Systems

Hardware metrics provide information about host system hardware.
Metric Name
Hardware|Number of CPUs
Number of CPUs for a host.
Key: hardware|cpuinfo|num_CpuCores
Displays the service tag of the host system.
Key: hardware|servicetag

CPU Usage Metrics for Host Systems

CPU usage metrics provide information about CPU use.
Metric Name
CPU|Capacity Usage (%)
Percent CPU capacity used.
Key: cpu|capacity_usagepct_average
CPU|Usage (%)
Average CPU usage as a percentage.
Key: cpu|usage_average
CPU|CPU Contention (%)
This metric indicates the percentage of time the virtual machines in the ESXi hosts are unable to run because they are contending for access to the physical CPU(s). This is the average number of all VMs. Naturally, the number will be lower than the highest number experienced by the worst hit VM (a VM that suffers the highest CPU contention).
Use this metric to verify if the host is able to serve all of its VMs well.
When using this metric, ensure the number is within your expectation. The metric is affected by several factors so you need to watch both relative numbers and absolute numbers. Relative means a drastic change in value. This indicates that the ESXi is unable to service its VMs.
Absolute means that the real value is high and should be checked. One factor that impacts the CPU contention metric is CPU Power Management. If CPU Power Management clocks down the CPU speed from 3 GHz to 2 GHz that reduction in speed is taken into consideration. This is because the VM is not running at full speed.
Key: cpu|capacity_contentionPct
CPU|Demand (%)
This metric shows the percentage of CPU resources all the VMs would use if there was no CPU contention or any CPU limits set.
It represents the average active CPU load for the past five minutes.
Keep the number of this metric below 100% if you set Power Management to Maximum.
Key: cpu|demandPct
CPU|Demand (MHz)
CPU demand in megahertz. CPU utilization level based on descendant Virtual Machines utilization. Includes limits and overhead to run Virtual Machines, but not reservations.
Key: cpu|demandmhz
CPU|IO Wait (ms)
IO wait time in milliseconds.
Key: cpu|iowait
CPU|Number of CPU Sockets
Number of CPU sockets.
Key: cpu|numpackages
CPU|Overall CPU Contention (ms)
Overall CPU contention in milliseconds.
Key: cpu|capacity_contention
CPU|Provisioned Capacity (MHz)
Capacity in MHz of the physical CPU cores.
Key: cpu|capacity_provisioned
CPU|Provisioned virtual CPUs
Provisioned virtual CPUs.
Key: cpu|corecount_provisioned
CPU|Total Wait
CPU time spent in idle state.
Key: cpu|wait
CPU demand.
Key: cpu|demand_average
CPU|Usage (MHz)
CPU use in megahertz.
Key: cpu|usagemhz_average
CPU|Reserved Capacity (MHz)
The sum of the reservation properties of the (immediate) children of the host's root resource pool.
Key: cpu|reservedCapacity_average
CPU|Total Capacity (MHz)
Total CPU capacity in megahertz. Amount of CPU resources configured on the ESXi hosts.
Key: cpu|capacity_provisioned
CPU|Overhead (KB)
Amount of CPU overhead.
Key: cpu|overhead_average
CPU|Demand without overhead
Value of demand excluding any overhead.
Key: cpu|demand_without_overhead
CPU|Core Utilization (%)
Percent core utilization.
Key: cpu|coreUtilization_average
Percent CPU utilization.
Key: cpu|utilization_average
CPU|Core Utilization (%)
Core Utilization.
Key: cpu|coreUtilization_average
CPU|Utilization (%)
Key: cpu|utilization_average
CPU|Co-stop (ms)
Time the VM is ready to run, but is unable to due to co-scheduling constraints.
Key: cpu|costop_summation
CPU|Latency (%)
Percentage of time the VM is unable to run because it is contending for access to the physical CPUs.
Key: cpu|latency_average
CPU|Ready (ms)
Time spent in ready state.
Key: cpu|ready_summation
CPU|Run (ms)
Time the virtual machine is scheduled to run.
Key: cpu|run_summation
CPU|Swap wait (ms)
Amount of time waiting for swap space.
Key: cpu|swapwait_summation
CPU|Wait (ms)
Total CPU time spent in wait state.
Key: cpu|wait_summation
CPU|Provisioned Capacity
Provisioned capacity (MHz).
Key: cpu|vm_capacity_provisioned
CPU|Active Host Load For Balance (Long Term)
Active Host Load For Balance (Long Term).
Key: cpu|acvmWorkloadDisparityPcttive_longterm_load
CPU|Active Host Load For Balance (Short Term)
Active Host Load For Balance (Short Term).
Key: cpu|active_shortterm_load
CPU| CPU Model
Displays the host's CPU model.
Key: cpu|cpu model
CPU|Peak CPU Core Usage
The highest CPU Usage among the CPU cores. A constantly high number indicates that one or more physical cores have high utilization.
Key: cpu|peak_cpu_core_usage

CPU Utilization for Resources Metrics for Host Systems

CPU utilization for resources metrics provide information about CPU activity.
Metric Name
Rescpu|CPU Active (%) (
Average active time for the CPU over the past minute, past five minutes, and at one-minute, five-minute, and 15-minute peak active times.
Rescpu|CPU Running (%) (
Average run time for the CPU over the past minute, past five minutes, past 15 minutes, and at one-minute, five-minute, and 15-minute peak times.
Rescpu|CPU Throttled (%) (
Scheduling limit over the past minute, past five minutes, and past 15 minutes.
Rescpu|Group CPU Sample Count
Group CPU sample count.
Key: rescpu|sampleCount_latest
Rescpu|Group CPU Sample Period (ms)
Group CPU sample period in milliseconds.
Key: rescpu|samplePeriod_latest

Datastore Metrics for Host Systems

Datastore metrics provide information about datastore use.
Metric Name
Datastore|Outstanding IO requests
OIO for datastore.
Key: datastore|demand_oio
Datastore|Commands Averaged
Average number of commands issued per second during the collection interval.
Key: datastore|commandsAveraged_average
Datastore|Number of Outstanding IO Operations
Number of outstanding IO operations.
Key: datastore|oio
Datastore|Total Latency (ms)
The average amount of time taken for a command from the perspective of a Guest OS. This is the sum of Kernel Command Latency and Physical Device Command Latency.
Key: datastore|totalLatency_average
Datastore|Total Throughput (KBps)
Usage Average (KBps).
Key: datastore|usage_average
Key: datastore|demand
Datastore|Storage I/O Control aggregated IOPS
Aggregate number of IO operations on the datastore.
Key: datastore|datastoreIops_average
Datastore|Read IOPS
Average number of read commands issued per second during the collection interval.
Key: datastore|numberReadAveraged_average
Datastore|Write IOPS
Average number of write commands issued per second during the collection interval.
Key: datastore|numberWriteAveraged_average
Datastore|Read Throughput (KBps)
Rate of reading data from the datastore in kilobytes per second.
Key: datastore|read_average
Datastore|Storage I/O Control normalized latency (ms)
Normalized latency in microseconds on the datastore. Data for all virtual machines is combined.
Key: datastore|sizeNormalizedDatastoreLatency_average
Datastore|Read Latency (ms)
Average amount of time for a read operation from the datastore. Total latency = kernel latency + device latency.
Key: datastore|totalReadLatency_average
Datastore|Write Latency (ms)
Average amount of time for a write operation to the datastore. Total latency = kernel latency + device latency.
Key: datastore|totalWriteLatency_average
Datastore|Write Throughput (KBps)
Rate of writing data to the datastore in kilobytes per second.
Key: datastore|write_average
Datastore|Max Queue Depth
Max Queue Depth.
Key: datastore|datastoreMaxQueueDepth_latest
Datastore|Highest Latency
Highest Latency.
Key: datastore|maxTotalLatency_latest
Datastore|Total Latency Max
Total Latency Max (ms).
Key: datastore|totalLatency_max
Datastore|Read Latency
Read Latency.
Key: datastore|datastoreNormalReadLatency_latest
Datastore|Write Latency
Write Latency.
Key: datastore|datastoreNormalWriteLatency_latest
Datastore|Data Read
Data Read.
Key: datastore|datastoreReadBytes_latest
Datastore|Data Read Rate
Data Rate.
Key: datastore|datastoreReadIops_latest
Datastore|Read Load
Storage DRS metric read load.
Key: datastore|datastoreReadLoadMetric_latest
Datastore|Outstanding Read Requests
Outstanding Read Requests.
Key: datastore|datastoreReadOIO_latest
Datastore|Data Written
Data Written.
Key: datastore|datastoreWriteBytes_latest
Datastore|Data Write Rate
Data Write Rate.
Key: datastore|datastoreWriteIops_latest
Datastore|Write Load
Storage DRS metric write load.
Key: datastore|datastoreWriteLoadMetric_latest
Datastore|Outstanding Write Requests
Outstanding Write Requests.
Key: datastore|datastoreWriteOIO_latest
Datastore|VM Disk I/O Workload Disparity
Percentage Disk I/O workload disparity among the VMs on the Host.
Key: datastore|vmWorkloadDisparityPc
Datastore|Peak Datastore Read Latency
The highest read latency among the datastores. A high number indicates that one or more datastores are experiencing poor performance.
Key: datastore|peak_datastore_readLatency
Datastore|Peak Datastore Write Latency
The highest write latency among the datastores. A high number indicates that one or more datastores are experiencing poor performance.
Key: datastore|peak_datastore_writeLatency

Disk Metrics for Host Systems

Disk metrics provide information about disk use.
Metric Name
Disk|Total Throughput (KBps)
Average of the sum of the data read and written for all of the disk instances of the host or virtual machine.
Disk|I/O Usage Capacity
This metric is a function of storage|usage_average and disk|workload. storage|usage_average is an average over all storage devices. This means that disk|usage_capacity is not specific to the selected VM or the host of the VM.
Key: disk|usage_capacity
Disk|Total IOPS
Average number of commands issued per second during the collection interval.
Key: disk|commandsAveraged_average
Disk|Total Latency (ms)
The average amount of time taken for a command from the perspective of a Guest OS. This is the sum of Kernel Command Latency and Physical Device Command Latency.
Key: disk|totalLatency_average
Disk|Read IOPS
Average number of read commands issued per second during the collection interval.
Key: disk|numberReadAveraged_average
Disk|Write IOPS
Average number of write commands issued per second during the collection interval.
Key: disk|numberWriteAveraged_average
Disk|Read Throughput (KBps)
Amount of data read in the performance interval.
Key: disk|read_average
Disk|Write Throughput (KBps)
Amount of data written to disk in the performance interval.
Key: disk|write_average
Disk|Bus Resets
The number of bus resets in the performance interval.
Key: disk|busResets_summation
Disk|Read Latency (ms)
The average amount of time taken for a read from the perspective of a Guest OS. This is the sum of Kernel Read Latency and Physical Device Read Latency.
Key: disk|totalReadLatency_average
Disk|Write Latency (ms)
The average amount of time taken for a write from the perspective of a Guest OS. This is the sum of Kernel Write Latency and Physical Device Write Latency.
Key: disk|totalWriteLatency_average
Disk|Physical Device Latency (ms)
The average time taken to complete a command from the physical device.
Key: disk|deviceLatency_average
Disk|Kernel Latency (ms)
The average time spent in ESX Server VMKernel per command.
Key: disk|kernelLatency_average
Disk|Queue Latency (ms)
The average time spent in the ESX Server VMKernel queue per command.
Key: disk|queueLatency_average
Disk|Number of Outstanding IO Operations
Number of Outstanding IO Operations.
Key: disk|diskoio
Disk|Queued Operations
Queued Operations.
Key: disk|diskqueued
Key: disk|diskdemand
Disk|Total Queued Outstanding operations
Sum of Queued Operation and Outstanding Operations.
Key: disk|sum_queued_oio
Disk|Max Observed OIO
Max Observed IO for a disk.
Key: disk|max_observed
Disk|Highest Latency
Highest Latency.
Key: disk|maxTotalLatency_latest
Disk|Max Queue Depth
Maximum queue depth during the collection interval.
Key: disk|maxQueueDepth_average
Disk|SCSI Reservation Conflicts
SCSI Reservation Conflicts.
Key: disk|scsiReservationConflicts_summation

Memory Metrics for Host Systems

Memory metrics provide information about memory use and allocation.
Metric Name
Mem|Contention (%)
This metric is used to monitor ESXi memory usage.
When the value is high, it means the ESXi is using a good percentage of available memory. You may need to add more memory to other memory-related metrics.
Key: mem|host_contentionPct
Mem|Contention (KB)
Host contention in kilobytes.
Key: mem|host_contention
Mem|Host Usage (KB)
Machine usage in kilobytes.
Key: mem|host_usage
Mem|Machine Demand (KB)
Host demand in kilobytes.
Key: mem|host_demand
Mem|Overall Memory used to run VMs on Host (KB)
Overall memory used to run virtual machines on the host in kilobytes.
Key: mem|host_usageVM
Mem|Provisioned Memory (KB)
Provisioned memory in kilobytes.
Key: mem|host_provisioned
Mem|Minimum Free Memory (KB)
Minimum free memory.
Key: mem|host_minfree
Mem|Reserved Capacity (%)
Percent reserved capacity.
Key: mem|reservedCapacityPct
Mem|Usable Memory (KB)
Usable memory in kilobytes.
Key: mem|host_usable
Mem|Usage (%)
Memory currently in use as a percentage of total available memory.
Key: mem|host_usagePct
Mem|ESX System Usage
Memory usage by the VMkernel and ESX user-level services.
Key: mem|host_systemUsage
Mem|Guest Active (KB)
Amount of memory that is actively used.
Key: mem|active_average
Mem|Consumed (KB)
Amount of host memory consumed by the virtual machine for guest memory.
Key: mem|consumed_average
Mem|Granted (KB)
Amount of memory available for use.
Key: mem|granted_average
Mem|Heap (KB)
Amount of memory allocated for heap.
Key: mem|heap_average
Mem|Heap Free (KB)
Amount of free space in the heap.
Key: mem|heapfree_average
Mem|VM Overhead (KB)
Memory overhead reported by host.
Key: mem|overhead_average
Mem|Reserved Capacity (KB)
Sum of memory reserved by consumers - Resource Pools (RP) and powered on VMs that are not in Resource Pools. RP reservations at the vCenter level are distributed to the hosts depending on the number of powered on VMs and their entitlement within the RP. For more information on resource allocation reservation, share, and limit, see Configuring Resource Allocation Settings.
Key: mem|reservedCapacity_average
Mem|Shared (KB)
Amount of shared memory in kilobytes.
Key: mem|shared_average
Mem|Shared Common (KB)
Amount of shared common memory in kilobytes.
Key: mem|sharedcommon_average
Mem|Swap In (KB)
Amount of memory swapped in.
Key: mem|swapin_average
Mem|Swap Out KB)
Amount of memory swapped out.
Key: mem|swapout_average
Mem|Swap Used (KB)
Amount of memory used for swapped space in kilobytes.
Key: mem|swapused_average
Mem|VM kernel Usage (KB)
Amount of memory used by the VM kernel.
Key: mem|sysUsage_average
Mem|Unreserved (KB)
Amount of unreserved memory in kilobytes.
Key: mem|unreserved_average
Mem|Balloon (KB)
This metric shows the total amount of memory currently used by the VM memory control. This memory was reclaimed from the respective VMs at some point in the past, and was not returned.
Use this metric to monitor how much VM memory has been reclaimed by ESXi through memory ballooning.
The presence of ballooning indicates the ESXi has been under memory pressure. The ESXi activates ballooning when consumed memory reaches a certain threshold.
Look for increasing size of ballooning. This indicates that there has been a shortage of memory more than once. Look for size fluctuations which indicate the ballooned out page was actually required by the VM. This translates into a memory performance problem for the VM requesting the page, since the page must first be brought back from the disk.
Key: mem|vmmemctl_average
Mem|Zero (KB)
Amount of memory that is all zero.
Key: mem|zero_average
Mem|State (0-3)
Overall state of the memory. The value is an integer between 0 (high) and 3 (low).
Key: mem|state_latest
Mem|Usage (KB)
Host memory use in kilobytes.
Key: mem|host_usage
Mem|Usage (%)
Memory currently in use as a percentage of total available memory.
Key: mem|usage_average
Mem|Swap In Rate (KBps)
Rate at which memory is swapped from disk into active memory during the interval in kilobyte per second.
Key: mem|swapinRate_average
Mem|Swap Out Rate (KBps)
Rate at which memory is being swapped from active memory to disk during the current interval in kilobytes per second.
Key: mem|swapoutRate_average
Mem|Active Write (KB)
Average active writes in kilobytes.
Key: mem|activewrite_average
Mem|Compressed (KB)
Average memory compression in kilobytes.
Key: mem|compressed_average
Mem|Compression Rate (KBps)
Average compression rate in kilobytes per second.
Key: mem|compressionRate_average
Mem|Decompression Rate (KBps)
Decompression rate in kilobytes per second.
Key: mem|decompressionRate_average
Mem|Total Capacity (KB)
Sum of the amount of physical memory configured on ESXi hosts of the cluster in KB.
Key: mem|host_provisioned
Percentage of time the VM is waiting to access swapped or compressed memory.
Key: mem|latency_average
Mem|Capacity Contention
Capacity Contention.
Key: mem|capacity.contention_average
Mem|Swap In Rate from Host Cache
Rate at which memory is being swapped from host cache into active memory.
Key: mem|llSwapInRate_average
Mem|Swap In from Host Cache
Amount of memory swapped-in from host cache.
Key: mem|llSwapIn_average
Mem|Swap Out Rate to Host Cache
Rate at which memory is being swapped to host cache from active memory.
Key: mem|llSwapOutRate_average
Mem|Swap Out to Host Cache
Amount of memory swapped-out to host cache.
Key: mem|llSwapOut_average
Mem|Swap Space Used in Host Cache
Space used for caching swapped pages in the host cache.
Key: mem|llSwapUsed_average
Mem|Low Free Threshold
Threshold of free host physical memory below which ESX begins to reclaim memory from VMs through ballooning and swapping.
Key: mem|lowfreethreshold_average
Mem|VM Memory Workload Disparity
Percentage Memory workload disparity among the VMs on the Host.
Key: mem|vmWorkloadDisparityPct
Mem|Active Host Load For Balance (Long Term)
Active Host Load For Balance (Long Term).
Key: mem|active_longterm_load
Mem|Active Host Load For Balance (Short Term)
Active Host Load For Balance (Short Term).
Key: mem|active_shortterm_load
Memory utilization level based on descendant Virtual Machines utilization. Includes reservations, limits and overhead to run Virtual Machines
Key: mem|total_need

Network Metrics for Host Systems

Network metrics provide information about network performance.
Metric Name
This metric displays the type of network driver.
Key: net|driver
This metric displays the network speed.
Key: net|speed
Network|Management Address
This metric displays the management address of the host network.
Key: net|management address
Network|IP Address
This metric displays the IP address of the host network.
Key: net|IPaddress
Net|Packets Transmitted per second
This metric shows the number of packets transmitted during the collection interval.
Key: net|packetsTxPerSec
Net|Packets per second
Number of packets transmitted and received per second.
Key: net|packetsPerSec
Net|Total Throughput (KBps)
The sum of the data transmitted and received for all the NIC instances of the host or virtual machine.
Key: net|usage_average
Net|I/O Usage Capacity
I/O Usage Capacity.
Key: net|usage_capacity
Net|Data Transmit Rate (KBps)
Average amount of data transmitted per second.
Key: net|transmitted_average
Net|Data Receive Rate (KBps)
Average amount of data received per second.
Key: net|received_average
Net|Packets Received
Number of packets received in the performance interval.
Key: net|packetsRx_summation
Net|Packets Transmitted
Number of packets transmitted in the performance interval.
Key: net|packetsTx_summation
Net|Broadcast Packets Received
Number of broadcast packets received during the sampling interval.
Key: net|broadcastRx_summation
Net|Broadcast Packets Transmitted
Number of broadcast packets transmitted during the sampling interval.
Key: net|broadcastTx_summation
Net|Error Packets Transmitted
Number of packets with errors transmitted.
Key: net|errorsTx_summation
Net|Multicast Packets Received
Number of multicast packets received.
Key: net|multicastRx_summation
Net|Multicast Packets Transmitted
Number of multicast packets transmitted.
Key: net|multicastTx_summation
Net|FT Throughput Usage
FT Throughput Usage.
Key: net|throughput.usage.ft_average
Net|HBR Throughput Usage
HBR Throughput Usage.
Key: net|throughput.usage.hbr_average
Net|iSCSI Throughput Usage
iSCSI Throughput Usage.
Key: net|throughput.usage.iscsi_average
Net|NFS Throughput Usage
NFS Throughput Usage.
Key: net|throughput.usage.nfs_average
Net|VM Throughput Usage
VM Throughput Usage.
Key: net|throughput.usage.vm_average
Net|vMotion Throughput Usage
vMotion Throughput Usage.
Key: net|throughput.usage.vmotion_average
Net|Unknown Protocol Frames Received
Number of frames with unknown protocol received.
Key: net|unknownProtos_summation

System Metrics for Host Systems

System metrics provide information about the amount of CPU that resources and other applications use.
Metric Name
Sys|Power On
1 if the host system is powered on, 0 if the host system is powered off, or -1 if the power state is unknown.
Key: sys|poweredOn
Sys|Uptime (seconds)
Number of seconds since the last system startup.
Key: sys|uptime_latest
Sys|Disk Usage (%)
Percent disk use.
Key: sys|diskUsage_latest
Sys|Resource CPU Usage (MHz)
Amount of CPU that the Service Console and other applications use.
Key: sys|resourceCpuUsage_average
Sys|Resource CPU Active (1 min. average)
Percentage of resource CPU that is active. Average value during a one-minute period.
Key: sys|resourceCpuAct1_latest
Sys|Resource CPU Active (%) (5 min. average)
Percentage of resource CPU that is active. Average value during a five-minute period.
Key: sys|resourceCpuAct5_latest
Sys|Resource CPU Alloc Max (MHz)
Maximum resource CPU allocation in megahertz.
Key: sys|resourceCpuAllocMax_latest
Sys|Resource CPU Alloc Min (MHz)
Minimum resource CPU allocation in megahertz.
Key: sys|resourceCpuAllocMin_latest
Sys|Resource CPU Alloc Shares
Number of resource CPU allocation shares.
Key: sys|resourceCpuAllocShares_latest
Sys|Resource CPU Max Limited (%) (1 min. average)
Percent of resource CPU that is limited to the maximum amount. Average value during a one-minute period.
Key: sys|resourceCpuMaxLimited1_latest
Sys|Resource CPU Max Limited (%) (5 min. average)
Percentage of resource CPU that is limited to the maximum amount. Average value during a five-minute period.
Key: sys|resourceCpuMaxLimited5_latest
Sys|Resource CPU Run1 (%)
Percent resource CPU for Run1.
Key: sys|resourceCpuRun1_latest
Sys|Resource CPU Run5 (%)
Percent resource CPU for Run5.
Key: sys|resourceCpuRun5_latest
Sys|Resource Memory Alloc Max (KB)
Maximum resource memory allocation in kilobytes.
Key: sys|resourceMemAllocMax_latest
Sys|Resource Memory Alloc Min (KB)
Minimum resource memory allocation in kilobytes.
Key: sys|resourceMemAllocMin_latest
Sys|Resource Memory Alloc Shares
Number of resource memory shares allocated.
Key: sys|resourceMemAllocShares_latest
Sys|Resource Memory Cow (KB)
Cow resource memory in kilobytes.
Key: Sys|resourceMemCow_latest
Sys|Resource Memory Mapped (KB)
Mapped resource memory in kilobytes.
Key: ys|resourceMemMapped_latest
Sys|Resource Memory Overhead (KB)
Resource memory overhead in kilobytes.
Key: sys|resourceMemOverhead_latest
Sys|Resource Memory Shared (KB)
Shared resource memory in kilobytes.
Key: sys|resourceMemShared_latest
Sys|Resource Memory Swapped (KB)
Swapped resource memory in kilobytes.
Key: sys|resourceMemSwapped_latest
Sys|Resource Memory Touched (KB)
Touched resource memory in kilobytes.
Key: sys|resourceMemTouched_latest
Sys|Resource Memory Zero (KB)
Zero resource memory in kilobytes.
Key: sys|resourceMemZero_latest
Sys|Resource Memory Consumed
Resource Memory Consumed Latest (KB).
Key: sys|resourceMemConsumed_latest
Sys|Resource File descriptors usage
Resource File descriptors usage (KB).
Key: sys|resourceFdUsage_latest
Sys|vMotion Enabled
1 if vMotion is enabled or 0 if vMotion is not enabled.
Key: sys|vmotionEnabled
Sys|Not in Maintenance
Not in maintenance.
Key: sys|notInMaintenance

Management Agent Metrics for Host Systems

Management agent metrics provide information about memory use.
Metric Name
Management Agent|Memory Used (%)
Amount of total configured memory that is available for use.
Key: managementAgent|memUsed_average
Management Agent|Memory Swap Used (KB)
Sum of the memory swapped by all powered-on virtual machines on the host.
Key: managementAgent|swapUsed_average
Management Agent|Memory Swap In (KBps)
Amount of memory that is swapped in for the Service Console.
Key: managementAgent|swapIn_average
Management Agent|Memory Swap Out (KBps)
Amount of memory that is swapped out for the Service Console.
Key: managementAgent|swapOut_average
Management Agent|CPU Usage
CPU usage.
Key: managementAgent|cpuUsage_average

Storage Adapter Metrics for Host Systems

Storage adapter metrics provide information about data storage use.
Metric Name
Storage Adapter|Driver
Displays the driver details of the storage adapter.
Key: storage adapter|driver
Storage Adapter|Port WWN
Displays the world wide network port for the storage adapter.
Key: storage adapter|portwwn
Storage Adapter|Total Usage (KBps)
Total latency.
Key: storageAdapter|usage
Storage Adapter|Total IOPS
Average number of commands issued per second by the storage adapter during the collection interval.
Key: storageAdapter|commandsAveraged_average
Storage Adapter|Read IOPS
Average number of read commands issued per second by the storage adapter during the collection interval.
Key: storageAdapter|numberReadAveraged_average
Storage Adapter|Write IOPS
Average number of write commands issued per second by the storage adapter during the collection interval.
Key: storageAdapter|numberWriteAveraged_average
Storage Adapter|Read Throughput (KBps)
Rate of reading data by the storage adapter.
Key: storageAdapter|read_average
Storage Adapter|Read Latency (ms)
This metric shows the average amount of time for a read operation by the storage adapter.
Use this metric to monitor the storage adapter read operation performance. A high value means that the ESXi is performing a slow storage read operation.
Total latency is the sum of kernel latency and device latency.
Key: storageAdapter|totalReadLatency_average
Storage Adapter|Write Latency (ms)
This metric shows the average amount of time for a write operation by the storage adapter.
Use this metric to monitor the storage adapter write performance operation. A high value means that the ESXi is performing a slow storage write operation.
Total latency is the sum of kernel latency and device latency.
Key: storageAdapter|totalWriteLatency_average
Storage Adapter|Write Throughput (KBps)
Rate of writing data by the storage adapter.
Key: storageAdapter|write_average
Storage Adapter|Demand
Key: storageAdapter|demand
Storage Adapter|Highest Latency
Highest Latency.
Key: torageAdapter|maxTotalLatency_latest
Storage Adapter|Outstanding Requests
Outstanding Requests.
Key: storageAdapter|outstandingIOs_average
Storage Adapter|Queue Depth
Queue Depth.
Key: storageAdapter|queueDepth_average
Storage Adapter|Queue Latency (ms)
The average time spent in the ESX Server VM Kernel queue per command.
Key: storageAdapter|queueLatency_average
Storage Adapter|Queued
Key: storageAdapter|queued_average
Storage Adapter|Peak Adapter Read Latency
The highest read latency among the storage adapters. A high number indicates that one or more storage adapters are experiencing poor performance.
Key: storageAdapter|peak_adapter_readLatency
Storage Adapter|Peak Adapter Write Latency
The highest write latency among the storage adapters. A high number indicates that one or more storage adapters are experiencing poor performance.
Key: storageAdapter|peak_adapter_writeLatency

Storage Metrics for Host Systems

Storage metrics provide information about storage use.
Metric Name
Storage|Total IOPS
Average number of commands issued per second during the collection interval.
Key: storage|commandsAveraged_average
Storage|Read Latency (ms)
Average amount of time for a read operation in milliseconds.
Key: storage|totalReadLatency_average
Storage|Read Throughput (KBps)
Read throughput rate in kilobytes.
Key: storage|read_average
Storage|Read IOPS
Average number of read commands issued per second during the collection interval.
Key: storage|numberReadAveraged_average
Storage|Total Latency (ms)
Total latency in milliseconds.
Key: storage|totalLatency_average
Storage|Total Usage (KBps)
Total throughput rate in kilobytes per second.
Key: storage|usage_average
Storage|Write Latency (ms)
Average amount of time for a write operation in milliseconds.
Key: storage|totalWriteLatency_average
Storage|Write Throughput (KBps)
Write throughput rate in kilobytes per second.
Key: storage|write_average
Storage|Write IOPS
Average number of write commands issued per second during the collection interval.
Key: storage|numberWriteAveraged_average

Sensor Metrics for Host Systems

Sensor metrics provide information about host system cooling.
Metric Name
Sensor|Fan|Speed (%)
Percent fan speed.
Key: Sensor|fan|currentValue
Sensor|Fan|Health State
Fan health state.
Key: Sensor|fan|healthState
Sensor|Temperature|Temp C
Fan temperature in centigrade.
Key: Sensor|temperature|currentValue
Sensor|Temperature|Health State
Fan health state.
Key: Sensor|temperature|healthState

Power Metrics for Host Systems

Power metrics provide information about host system power use.
Metric Name
Power|Total Energy Consumed in the collection period (Wh)
Displays the total electricity consumed based on the time interval selected. The default collection cycle is set to 5 mins. You can continue using the default setting or edit it for each adapter instance. For example, if the time interval is set to its default value, the value represents the energy consumed per 5 mins.
Power|Total Host System Power Consumed in an Hour (Wh)
Displays the the total electricity power consumed in an hour by ESXi Host. The data collected is over a period of an hour and published along with the other metrics in
VMware Aria Operations
. In case of a connectivity or availability issue in
VMware Aria Operations
or vCenter adapter instance, this hourly metric might not be published and the missed value during this period does not get recalculated. Once the connection is re-established, the next data points get published.
This metric is deactivated by default. You can activate it from the Policies page. For more information, see Metrics and Properties Details in the
Configuration Guide
Power|Power (Watt)
Host power use in watts.
Key: power|power_average
Power|Current Power Consumption Rate (Watt)
The power consumption rate per second, averaged over the reporting period.
Key: power|power_average
Power|Power Cap (Watt)
Host power capacity in watts.
Key: power|powerCap_average
Power|Host Power Capacity Usage – Idle
Power consumed by the host in its idle state. This is the power consumed by the host when there are no VMs in it.
Key: power|capacity.usageIdle_average
Power|(DEP) Energy (Joule)
Total energy consumed in joules.
Key: power|energy_summation

Disk Space Metrics for Host Systems

Disk space metrics provide information about disk space use.
Metric Name
Diskspace|Number of Virtual Disks
Number of virtual disks.
Key: diskspace|numvmdisk
Diskspace|Shared Used (GB)
Used shared disk space in gigabytes.
Key: diskspace|shared
Disk space used by snapshots in gigabytes.
Key: diskspace|snapshot
Diskspace|Virtual Disk Used (GB)
Disk space used by virtual disks in gigabytes.
Key: diskspace|diskused
Diskspace|Virtual machine used (GB)
Disk space used by virtual machines in gigabytes.
Key: diskspace|used
Diskspace|tTotal disk space used
Total disk space used on all datastores visible to this object.
Key: diskspace|total_usage
Diskspace|Total disk spacey
Total disk space on all datastores visible to this object.
Key: diskspace|total_capacity
Diskspace|Total provisioned disk space
Total provisioned disk space on all datastores visible to this object.
Key: diskspace|total_provisioned .
Diskspace|Utilization (GB)
Storage space utilized on connected vSphere datastores.
Key: diskspace|total_usage
Diskspace|Workload (%)
Total storage space available on connected vSphere datastores.
Key: diskspace|total_capacity

Summary Metrics for Host Systems

Summary metrics provide information about overall host system performance.
Metric Name
Summary|Number of Running VMs
This metric shows the number of VMs running on the host during the last metric collection time.
Large spikes of running VMs might be a reason for CPU or memory spikes as more resources are used in the host.
Number of Running VMs gives you a good indicator of how many requests the ESXi host must juggle. This excludes powered off VMs as they do not impact ESXi performance. A change in this number in your environment can contribute to performance problems. A high number of running VMs in a host also means a higher concentration risk, as all the VMs will become unavailable (or be relocated by HA) if the ESXi crashes.
Look for any correlation between spikes in the number of running VMs and spikes in other metrics such as CPU Contention/Memory Contention.
Key: summary|number_running_vms
Summary|Maximum Number of VMs
Maximum number of virtual machines
Key: summary|max_number_vms
Summary|Number of vMotions
This metric shows the number of vMotions that occurred in the host in the last X minutes.
The number of vMotions is a good indicator of stability. In a healthy environment, this number should be stable and relatively low.
Look for correlation between vMotions and spikes in other metrics such as CPU/Memory contention.
The vMotion should not create any spikes, however, the VMs moved into the host might create spikes in memory usage, contention and CPU demand and contention.
Key: summary|number_vmotion
Summary|Total Number of Datastores
Total Number of Datastores.
Key: summary|total_number_datastores
Summary|Number of VCPUs on Powered On VMs
Total number of VCPUs of Virtual Machines that are powered on.
Key: summary|number_running_vcpus
Summary|Total Number of VMs
Total number of virtual machines.
This is the total number of VMs excluding VM templates.
Key: summary|total_number_vms
Summary|Number of VM Templates
Number of VM Templates
Key: summary|number_vm_templates
Summary|Consider for Balance
Summary|Consider for Balance = 1 when the host is Powered On, Connected, not in Maintenance Mode, and not a Failover Host, otherwise it = -1

HBR Metrics for Host Systems

Host-based replication (HBR) metrics provide information about vSphere replication.
Metric Name
HBR|Replication Data Received Rate
Replication Data Received Rate.
Key: hbr|hbrNetRx_average
HBR|Replication Data Transmitted Rate
Replication Data Transmitted Rate.
Key: hbr|hbrNetTx_average
HBR|Replicated VM Count
Number of replicated virtual machines.
Key: hbr|hbrNumVms_average

Cost Metrics for Host Systems

Cost metrics provide information about the cost.
Metric Name
Monthly Maintenance Total Cost
Monthly total cost for maintenance.
Key: cost|maintenanceTotalCost
Monthly Host OS License Total Cost
Monthly total cost for the host operating system license.
Key: cost|hostOslTotalCost
Monthly Network Total Cost
Monthly total cost for network including cost of NIC cards associated with host.
Key: cost|networkTotalCost
Monthly Server Hardware Total Cost
Monthly total cost for server hardware, based on amortized monthly value.
Key: cost|hardwareTotalCost
Monthly Facilities Total Cost
Monthly total cost of facilities including real estate, power, and cooling.
Key: cost|facilitiesTotalCost
Monthly Server Labor Total Cost
Monthly total cost for the server operating system labor.
Key: cost|hostLaborTotalCost
Monthly Server Fully Loaded Cost
Monthly cost for a fully loaded server incorporating all cost driver values attributed to the server.
Key: cost|totalLoadedCost
MTD Server Total Cost
Month to date cost for a fully loaded server incorporating all cost driver values attributed to the server.
Key: totalMTDCost
Server Accumulated Depreciation
Month to date accumulated cost for a deprecated server.
Key: Cost|Server Accumulated Depreciation
Aggregated Daily Total Cost
Daily aggregate daily total cost of the deleted VM present in the host system.
Key: Cost|aggregatedDailyTotalCost
Aggregated Deleted VM Daily Total Cost
Daily aggregate cost of the deleted VM present in the host system.
Key: Cost|aggregatedDeletedVmDailyTotalCost

Disabled Instanced Metrics

The instance metrics created for the following metrics are disabled in this version of
VMware Aria Operations
. This means that these metrics collect data by default but all the instanced metrics created for these metrics, do not collect data by default.
Metric Name
Datastore|Outstanding IO requests (OIOs)
Datastore|Read IOPS
Datastore|Read Latency (ms)
Datastore|Read Throughput (KBps)
Datastore|Total Latency (ms)
Datastore|Total Throughput (KBps)
Datastore|Write IOPS
Datastore|Write Latency (ms)
Datastore|Write Throughput (KBps)
Disk|Physical Device Latency (ms)
Disk|Queue Latency (ms)
Disk|Read IOPS
Disk|Read Latency (ms)
Disk|Read Throughput (KBps)
Disk|Write IOPS
Disk|Write Latency (ms)
Disk|Write Throughput (KBps)
Net|Data Receive Rate (KBps)
Net|Data Transmit Rate (KBps)
Net|Error Packets Transmitted
Net|Packets Dropped (%)
Net|Packets Transmitted per second
Net|Received Packets Dropped
Net|Transmitted Packets Dropped
Net|Usage Rate (%)
Storage Adapter|Read IOPS
Storage Adapter|Read Latency (ms)
Storage Adapter|Read Throughput (KBps)
Storage Adapter|Write IOPS
Storage Adapter|Write Latency (ms)
Storage Adapter|Write Throughput (KBps)

Disabled Metrics

The following metrics are disabled in this version of
VMware Aria Operations
. This means that they do not collect data by default.
You can enable these metrics in the Policy workspace. For more information, in VMware Docs search for Collect Metrics and Properties Details.
You can enable these metrics in the Policy workspace.
Metric Name
CPU|Idle (msec)
CPU|Used (msec)
Datastore I/O|Average Observed Virtual Machine Disk I/O Workload
Datastore I/O|Max Observed Number of Outstanding IO Operations
Datastore I/O|Max Observed Read Rate (kbps)
Datastore I/O|Max Observed Reads per second
Datastore I/O|Max Observed Write Rate (kbps)
Datastore I/O|Max Observed Writes per second
Datastore I/O|Maximum Observed VM Disk I/O Workload
Network I/O|bytesRx (kbps)
Network I/O|bytesTx (kbps)
Network I/O|Demand (%)
Network I/O|Error Packets Received
Network I/O|Max Observed Received Throughput (kbps)
Network I/O|Max Observed Throughput (kbps)
Network I/O|Max Observed Transmitted Throughput (kbps)
Network I/O|Packets Received per second
Network I/O|Packets Dropped
Summary|Workload Indicator
vFlash Module|Latest Number of Active Vm Disks
Net|Received Packets Dropped
Number of received packets dropped in the performance interval.
Key: net|droppedRx_summation
Net|Transmitted Packets Dropped
Number of transmitted packets dropped in the performance interval.
Key: net|droppedTx_summation
Net|Packets Dropped (%)
This metric shows the percentage of received and transmitted packets dropped during the collection interval.
This metric is used to monitor reliability and performance of the ESXi network. When a high value is displayed, the network is not reliable and performance suffers.
Key: net|droppedPct
Diskspace|Not Shared (GB)
Unshared disk space in gigabytes.
Key: diskspace|notshared