Metrics for vSphere Pods
VMware Aria
collects metrics for vSphere Pods through the vCenter adapter and uses
formulas to derive statistics from those metrics. You can use metrics to troubleshoot problems
in your environment. Metric Key
| Metric Name
| Description
config|hardware|num_Cpu | Configuration|Hardware|Number of CPUs | Number of CPUs. It counts both the vSocket and vCore. A VM with 2 vSockets x 4
vCores each has 8 vCPU. |
config|hardware|disk_Space | Configuration|Hardware|Disk Space | Disk space metrics |
config|hardware|thin_Enabled | Configuration|Hardware|Thin Provisioned Disk | Thin Provisioned Disk |
config|cpuAllocation|slotSize | Configuration|CPU Resource Allocation|HA Slot Size | vSphere HA Slot Size for CPU |
config|memoryAllocation|slotSize | Configuration|Memory Resource Allocation|HA Slot Size | vSphere HA Slot Size for Memory |
cpu|usage_average | CPU|Usage | CPU Usage divided by VM CPU Configuration in MHz |
cpu|usagemhz_average | CPU|Usage | Amount of actively used virtual CPU. This is the host's view of the CPU usage,
not the guest operating system view. |
cpu|usagemhz_average_mtd | CPU|Usage average MTD | Month to date average CPU usage in MHZ |
cpu|readyPct | CPU|Ready | Percentage of CPU the VM is ready to run, but unable due to ESXi has no ready
physical core to run it. High Ready value impacts VM performance |
cpu|capacity_contentionPct | CPU|Contention | Percentage of time VM is not getting the CPU resource it demanded. Impacted by
Ready, Co-Stop, Hyper Threading and Power Management |
cpu|corecount_provisioned | CPU|Provisioned vCPU(s) | Number of CPUs. It counts both the vSocket and vCore. A VM with 2 vSockets x 4
vCores each has 8 vCPU. |
cpu|vm_capacity_provisioned | CPU|Total Capacity | Configured Capacity in MHz, based on nominal (static) frequency of the
cpu|demandmhz | CPU|Demand | The amount of CPU resources virtual machine would use if there were no CPU
contention or CPU limit. |
cpu|demandPct | CPU|Demand (%) | The percentage of CPU resources virtual machine would use if there were no CPU
contention or CPU limit. |
cpu|reservation_used | CPU|Reservation Used | CPU Reserved for the VM. It's guaranteed to be available when the VM demands
it. |
cpu|effective_limit | CPU|Effective limit | Limit placed on the VM by vSphere. Avoid using limit as it impacts VM
performance |
cpu|iowaitPct | CPU|IO Wait | Percentage of time VM CPU is waiting for IO. Formula is Wait - Idle - Swap
Wait. High value indicates slow storage subsystem |
cpu|swapwaitPct | CPU|Swap wait | Percentage of time CPU is waiting on data swap-in. Mapped to vCenter CPU Swap
wait |
cpu|costopPct | CPU|Co-stop (%) | Percentage of time the VM is ready to run, but is unable to due to
co-scheduling constraints. VM with less vCPU have lower co-stop value. |
cpu|system_summation | CPU|System | CPU time spent on system processes |
cpu|wait_summation | CPU|Wait | Total CPU time spent in wait state |
cpu|ready_summation | CPU|Ready | CPU time spent on ready state |
cpu|used_summation | CPU|Used | CPU time that is used |
cpu|iowait | CPU|IO Wait | IO Wait |
cpu|wait | CPU|Total Wait | CPU time spent on idle state |
cpu|capacity_demandEntitlementPct | CPU|Capacity Demand Entitlement | CPU Capacity Demand Entitlement Percentage |
cpu|host_demand_for_aggregation | CPU|Host Demand For Aggregation | Host demand for aggregation |
cpu|dynamic_entitlement | CPU|Dynamic entitlement | CPU Dynamic entitlement |
cpu|capacity_contention | CPU|Overall CPU Contention | Overall CPU Contention (ms) |
cpu|estimated_entitlement | CPU|Estimated entitlement | CPU Estimated entitlement |
cpu|idlePct | CPU|Idle | % CPU time that is idle |
cpu|waitPct | CPU|Wait | % Total CPU time spent in wait state |
cpu|systemSummationPct | CPU|System | % CPU time spent on system processes |
cpu|demandOverLimit | CPU|Demand Over Limit | Amount of CPU Demand that is over the configured CPU Limit |
cpu|demandOverCapacity | CPU|Demand Over Capacity | Amount of CPU Demand that is over the configured CPU Capacity |
cpu|perCpuCoStopPct | CPU|Normalized Co-stop | Percentage of co-stop time, normalized across all vCPUs |
cpu|swapwait_summation | CPU|Swap Wait | Amount of time waiting on swap. |
cpu|costop_summation | CPU|Co-stop | Time the VM is ready to run, but is unable to due to co-scheduling
constraints. |
cpu|idle_summation | CPU|Idle | CPU time that is idle. |
cpu|latency_average | CPU|Latency | Percentage of time the VM is unable to run because it is contending for access
to the physical CPUs. |
cpu|maxlimited_summation | CPU|Max Limited | Time the VM is ready to run, but is not run due to maxing out its CPU limit
setting. |
cpu|overlap_summation | CPU|Overlap | Time the VM was interrupted to perform system services on behalf of that VM or
other VMs. |
cpu|run_summation | CPU|Run | Time the VM is scheduled to run. |
cpu|entitlement_latest | CPU|Entitlement Latest | Entitlement Latest. |
cpu|demandEntitlementRatio_latest | CPU|Demand-to-entitlement Ratio | CPU resource entitlement to CPU demand ratio (in percents) |
cpu|readiness_average | CPU|Readiness | Percentage of time that the virtual machine was ready, but could not get
scheduled to run on the physical CPU. |
rescpu|actav1_latest | CPU Utilization for Resources|CPU Active (1 min. average) | The average active time for the CPU over the past minute |
rescpu|actav5_latestswapinRate_average | CPU Utilization for Resources|CPU Active (5 min. average) | The average active time for the CPU over the past five minutes. |
rescpu|actav5_latest | CPU Utilization for Resources|CPU Active (5 min. average) | The average active time for the CPU over the past five minutes |
rescpu|actav15_latest | CPU Utilization for Resources|CPU Active (15 min. average) | The average active time for the CPU over the past fifteen minutes |
rescpu|actpk1_latest | CPU Utilization for Resources|CPU Active (1 min. peak) | The peak active time for the CPU over the past minute |
rescpu|actpk5_latest | CPU Utilization for Resources|CPU Active (5 min. peak) | The peak active time for the CPU over the past five minutes |
rescpu|actpk15_latest | CPU Utilization for Resources|CPU Active (15 min. peak) | The peak active time for the CPU over the past fifteen minutes |
rescpu|runav1_latest | CPU Utilization for Resources|CPU Running (1 min. average) | The average runtime for the CPU over the past minute |
rescpu|runav5_latest | CPU Utilization for Resources|CPU Running (5 min. average) | The average runtime for the CPU over the past five minutes |
rescpu|runav15_latest | CPU Utilization for Resources|CPU Running (15 min. average) | The average runtime for the CPU over the past fifteen minutes |
rescpu|runpk1_latest | CPU Utilization for Resources|CPU Running (1 min. peak) | The peak active time for the CPU over the past minute |
rescpu|runpk5_latest | CPU Utilization for Resources|CPU Running (5 min. peak) | The peak active time for the CPU over the past five minutes |
rescpu|runpk15_latest | CPU Utilization for Resources|CPU Running (15 min. peak) | The peak active time for the CPU over the past fifteen minutes |
rescpu|maxLimited1_latest | CPU Utilization for Resources|CPU Throttled (1 min. average) | The scheduling limit over the past minute |
rescpu|maxLimited5_latest | CPU Utilization for Resources|CPU Throttled (5 min. average) | The scheduling limit over the past five minutes |
rescpu|maxLimited15_latest | CPU Utilization for Resources|CPU Throttled (15 min. average) | The scheduling limit over the past fifteen minutes |
rescpu|sampleCount_latest | CPU Utilization for Resources|Group CPU Sample Count | The sample CPU count |
rescpu|samplePeriod_latest | CPU Utilization for Resources|Group CPU Sample Period | The sample period |
mem|usage_average | Memory|Usage | Memory currently in use as a percentage of total available memory |
mem|balloonPct | Memory|Balloon | Percentage of guest physical memory that is currently claimed from the virtual
machine through ballooning. This is the percentage of guest physical memory that has
been allocated and pinned by the balloon driver. Balloon does not necessarily mean
the VM performance is affected. |
mem|swapped_average | Memory|Swapped | Amount of unreserved memory |
mem|consumed_average | Memory|Consumed | Amount of ESXi Host memory mapped/consumed by the virtual machine for guest
memory |
mem|consumed_average_mtd | Memory|Consumed average MTD | average MTD Amount of host memory consumed by the virtual machine for guest
memory |
mem|consumedPct | Memory|Consumed (%) | Amount of host memory consumed by the virtual machine for guest memory.
Consumed memory does not include overhead memory. It includes shared memory and
memory that might be reserved, but not actually used. |
mem|overhead_average | Memory|Overhead | Amount of overhead memory used by ESXi to run the Virtual Machine. |
mem|host_contentionPct | Memory|Contention | Percentage of time the VM has contended for memory. |
mem|guest_provisioned | Memory|Total Capacity | Memory resources allocated to the Virtual Machine |
mem|guest_usage | Memory|Guest Usage | Guest Memory Entitlement |
mem|guest_demand | Memory|Guest Demand | Guest Memory Entitlement |
mem|host_demand | Memory|Host Demand | Memory Demand in KB |
mem|reservation_used | Memory|Reservation Used | Memory Reservation Used |
mem|effective_limit | Memory|Effective limit | Memory Effective limit |
mem|vmMemoryDemand | Memory|Utilization | Amount of memory utilized by the Virtual Machine. Reflects the guest OS memory
required (for certain vSphere and VMTools versions) or Virtual Machine
consumption |
mem|nonzero_active | Memory|Non Zero Active | Non Zero Active Memory |
mem|swapinRate_average | Memory|Swap In Rate | Rate at which memory is swapped from disk into active memory during the
collection interval. This can impact performance. |
mem|swapoutRate_average | Memory|Swap Out Rate | Rate at which memory is being swapped from active memory to disk during the
current interval. |
mem|compressed_average | Memory|Compressed | Percentage of total memory that has been compressed by vSphere. If and only if
the page is accessed by the Guest OS, will performance be affected. |
mem|overheadMax_average | Memory|Overhead Max | N/A |
mem|vmmemctl_average | Memory|Balloon | Amount of memory currently used by the virtual machine memory control |
mem|active_average | Memory|Guest Active | Amount of memory that is actively used |
mem|granted_average | Memory|Granted | Amount of memory available for use |
mem|shared_average | Memory|Shared | Amount of shared memory |
mem|zero_average | Memory|Zero | Amount of memory that is all 0 |
mem|swaptarget_average | Memory|Swap Target | Amount of memory that can be swapped |
mem|swapin_average | Memory|Swap In | Amount of memory swapped in |
mem|swapout_average | Memory|Swap Out | Amount of memory swapped out |
mem|vmmemctltarget_average | Memory|Balloon Target | Amount of memory that can be used by the virtual machine memory control |
mem|host_dynamic_entitlement | Memory|Host Dynamic Entitlement | Mem Machine Dynamic Entitlement |
mem|host_active | Memory|Host Active | Machine Active |
mem|host_usage | Memory|Host Usage | Machine Usage |
mem|host_contention | Memory|Contention | Machine Contention |
mem|guest_activePct | Memory|Guest Active Memory | Guest active memory as percentage of configured |
mem|guest_dynamic_entitlement | Memory|Guest Dynamic Entitlement | Guest Memory Dynamic Entitlement |
mem|host_demand_reservation | Memory|Host Demand with Reservation | Memory Demand with Reservation considered in KB |
mem|host_nonpageable_estimate | Memory|Guest Non Pageable Memory | Guest Non Pageable Memory Estimates |
mem|guest_nonpageable_estimate | Memory|Host Non Pageable Memory | Guest Non Pageable Memory Estimates |
mem|estimated_entitlement | Memory|Estimated entitlement | Memory Estimated entitlement |
mem|host_demand_for_aggregation | Memory|Host Demand For Aggregation | Host demand for aggregation |
mem|demandOverLimit | Memory|Demand Over Limit | Amount of Memory Demand that is over the configured Memory Limit |
mem|demandOverCapacity | Memory|Demand Over Capacity | Amount of Memory Demand that is over the configured Memory Capacity |
mem|activewrite_average | Memory|Active Write | N/A |
mem|compressionRate_average | Memory|Compression Rate | N/A |
mem|decompressionRate_average | Memory|Decompression Rate | N/A |
mem|zipSaved_latest | Memory|Zip Saved | N/A |
mem|zipped_latest | Memory|Zipped | N/A |
mem|entitlement_average | Memory|Entitlement | Amount of host physical memory the VM is entitled to, as determined by the ESX
schedule. |
mem|latency_average | Memory|Latency | Percentage of time the VM is waiting to access swapped or compressed
memory. |
mem|capacity.contention_average | Memory|Capacity Contention | Capacity Contention. |
mem|llSwapInRate_average | Memory|Swap In Rate from Host Cache | Rate at which memory is being swapped from host cache into active
memory. |
mem|llSwapOutRate_average | Memory|Swap Out Rate to Host Cache | Rate at which memory is being swapped to host cache from active memory. |
mem|llSwapUsed_average | Memory|Swap Space Used in Host Cache | Space used for caching swapped pages in the host cache. |
mem|overheadTouched_average | Memory|Overhead Touched | Actively touched overhead memory (KB) reserved for use as the virtualization
overhead for the VM. |
net|usage_average | Network|Usage Rate | The sum of the data transmitted and received for all the NIC instances of the
host or virtual machine |
net|transmitted_average | Network|Data Transmit Rate | Average amount of data transmitted per second |
net|received_average | Network|Data Receive Rate | Average amount of data received per second |
net|droppedTx_summation | Network|Transmitted Packets Dropped | Number of outgoing packets dropped in the performance interval. Investigate if
the number is not 0 |
net|droppedPct | Network|Packets Dropped (%) | Percentage of packets dropped |
net|dropped | Network|Packets Dropped | Number of packets dropped in the performance interval |
net|broadcastTx_summation | Network|Broadcast Packets Transmitted | Total number of broadcast packets transmitted. Investigate further if this
number is high |
net|multicastTx_summation | Network|Multicast Packets Transmitted | Number of multicast packets transmitted. Investigate further if this number is
high |
net|idle | NetworkIidle | N/A |
net|usage_capacity | Network|I/O Usage Capacity | I/O Usage Capacity |
net|maxObserved_KBps | Network|Max Observed Throughput | Max observed rate of network throughput |
net|maxObserved_Tx_KBps | Network|Max Observed Transmitted Throughput | Max observed transmitted rate of network throughput |
net|maxObserved_Rx_KBps | Network|Max Observed Received Throughput | Max observed received rate of network throughput |
net|packetsRx_summation | Network|Packets Received | Number of packets received in the performance interval |
net|packetsTx_summation | Network|Packets Transmitted | Number of packets transmitted in the performance interval |
net|demand | Network|Demand | N/A |
net|packetsRxPerSec | Network|Packets Received per second | Number of packets received in the performance interval |
net|packetsTxPerSec | Network|Packets Transmitted per second | Number of packets transmitted in the performance interval |
net|packetsPerSec | Network|Packets per second | Number of packets transmitted and received per second |
net|droppedRx_summation | Network|Received Packets Dropped | Number of received packets dropped in the performance interval |
net|broadcastRx_summation | Network|Broadcast Packets Received | Number of broadcast packets received during the sampling interval |
net|multicastRx_summation | Network|Multicast Packets Received | Number of multicast packets received |
net|bytesRx_average | Network|bytesRx | Average amount of data received per second |
net|bytesTx_average | Network|bytesTx | Average amount of data transmitted per second |
net|host_transmitted_average | Network|VM to Host Data Transmit Rate | Average amount of data transmitted per second between VM and host |
net|host_received_average | Network|VM to Host Data Receive Rate | Average amount of data received per second between VM and host |
net|host_usage_average | Network|VM to Host Usage Rate | The sum of the data transmitted and received for all the NIC instances between
VM and host |
net|host_maxObserved_Tx_KBps | Network|VM to Host Max Observed Transmitted Throughput | Max observed transmitted rate of network throughput between VM and host |
net|host_maxObserved_Rx_KBps | Network|VM to Host Max Observed Received Throughput | Max observed received rate of network throughput between VM and host |
net|host_maxObserved_KBps | Network|VM to Host Max Observed Throughput | Max observed rate of network throughput between VM and host |
net|transmit_demand_average | Network|Data Transmit Demand Rate | Data Transmit Demand Rate |
net|receive_demand_average | Network|Data Receive Demand Rate | Data Receive Demand Rate |
disk|usage_average | Physical Disk|Total Throughput | Amount of data read from/written to storage in a second. This is averaged over
the reporting period |
disk|read_average | Physical Disk|Read Throughput | Amount of data read from storage in a second. This is averaged over the
reporting period |
disk|write_average | Physical Disk|Write Throughput | Amount of data written to storage in a second. This is averaged over the
reporting period |
disk|usage_capacity | Physical Disk|I/O Usage Capacity | I/O Usage Capacity |
disk|busResets_summation | Physical Disk|Bus Resets | The number of bus resets in the performance interval |
disk|commandsAborted_summation | Physical Disk|Commands Aborted | The number of disk commands stopped in the performance interval |
disk|diskoio | Physical Disk|Number of Outstanding IO Operations | Number of Outstanding IO Operations |
disk|diskqueued | Physical Disk|Queued Operations | Queued Operations |
disk|diskdemand | Physical Disk|Demand | Demand |
disk|sum_queued_oio | Physical Disk|Total Queued Outstanding operations | Sum of Queued Operation and Outstanding Operations. |
disk|max_observed | Physical Disk|Max Observed OIO | Max Observed IO for a disk. |
disk|numberReadAveraged_average | Physical Disk|Read IOPS | Number of read operations per second. This is averaged over the reporting
period. |
disk|numberWriteAveraged_average | Physical Disk|Write IOPS | Number of write operations per second. This is averaged over the reporting
period. |
disk|maxTotalLatency_latest | Physical Disk|Highest Latency | Highest Latency. |
disk|scsiReservationConflicts_summation | Physical Disk|SCSI Reservation Conflicts | SCSI Reservation Conflicts. |
disk|totalReadLatency_average | Physical Disk|Read Latency | Average amount of time for a read operation by the storage adapter. |
disk|totalWriteLatency_average | Physical Disk|Write Latency | Average amount of time for a write operation by the storage adapter. |
disk|totalLatency_average | Physical Disk|Total Latency | Total Latency. |
sys|poweredOn | System|Powered ON | 1 if the VM is connected (available for management) and powered on, otherwise
0. |
sys|osUptime_latest | System|OS Uptime | Total time elapsed, in seconds, since last operating system boot-up |
sys|uptime_latest | System|Uptime | Number of seconds since system startup |
sys|heartbeat_summation | System|Heartbeat | Number of heart beats from the virtual machine in the defined interval |
sys|vmotionEnabled | System|vMotion Enabled | 1 if vMotion enabled, 0 if not enabled |
sys|productString | System|Product String | VMware product string |
sys|heartbeat_latest | System|Heartbeat Latest | Number of heartbeats issued per virtual machine during the interval |
summary|running | Summary|Running | Running |
summary|desktop_status | Summary|Desktop Status | Horizon View Desktop Status |
summary|poweredOff | Summary|Reclaimable Powered Off | Powered Off = 1. Not powered off = 0 |
summary|idle | Summary|Reclaimable Idle | Idle = 1. Not idle = 0 |
summary|oversized | Summary|Is Oversized | Oversized = 1. Not oversized = 0 |
summary|undersized | Summary|Is Undersized | Is Undersized |
summary|snapshotSpace | Summary|Reclaimable Snapshot Space | Reclaimable Snapshot Space |
summary|oversized|vcpus | Summary|Oversized|Virtual CPUs | Virtual CPUs |
summary|oversized|memory | Summary|Oversized|Memory | Memory |
summary|undersized|vcpus | Summary|Undersized|Virtual CPUs | Virtual CPUs |
summary|undersized|memory | Summary|Undersized|Memory | Memory |
summary|metering|value | Summary|Metering|Total price | Total price of the resource(Sum of all price components) |
summary|metering|storage | Summary|Metering|Storage price | Price of Storage related components of the resource |
summary|metering|memory | Summary|Metering|Memory price | Price of Memory related components of the resource |
summary|metering|cpu | Summary|Metering|CPU price | Price of CPU related components of the resource |
summary|metering|additional | Summary|Metering|Additional price | Price of additional components of the resource |
summary|metering|partialPrice | Summary|Metering|Partial price | Shows whether the calculated price is partial for the resource |
summary|workload_indicator | Summary|Workload Indicator | Workload Indicator |
summary|cpu_shares | Summary|CPU Shares | CPU Shares |
summary|mem_shares | Summary|Memory Shares | Memory Shares |
summary|number_datastore | Summary|Number of Datastores | Number of Datastores |
summary|number_network | Summary|Number of Networks | Number of Networks |
guestfilesystem|capacity | Guest File System|Partition Capacity | Disk space capacity on guest file system partition. |
guestfilesystem|percentage | Guest File System|Partition Utilization (%) | Guest file system partition space utilization in percentage |
guestfilesystem|usage | Guest File System|Partition Utilization | Guest file system partition space utilization |
guestfilesystem|capacity_total | Guest File System|Total Capacity | Disk space capacity on guest file system |
guestfilesystem|percentage_total | Guest File System|Utilization (%) | Guest file system disk space utilization in percentage |
guestfilesystem|usage_total | Guest File System|Utilization | Guest file system disk space utilization |
guestfilesystem|freespace | Guest File System|Guest File System Free | Total free space on guest file system |
guestfilesystem|capacity_property | Guest File System|Guest File System Capacity Property | Total capacity of guest file system as a property |
guestfilesystem|freespace_total | Guest File System|Total Guest File System Free | Total free space on guest file system |
guestfilesystem|capacity_property_total | Guest File System|Total Capacity Property | Total capacity of guest file system as a property |
guest|mem.free_latest | Guest|Free Memory | Free Memory |
guest|mem.needed_latest | Guest|Needed Memory | Needed Memory |
guest|mem.physUsable_latest | Guest|Physically Usable Memory | Physically Usable Memory |
guest|page.inRate_latest | Guest|Page In Rate per second | Page In Rate per second |
guest|page.size_latest | Guest|Page Size | Page Size |
guest|swap.spaceRemaining_latest | Guest|Remaining Swap Space | Remaining Swap Space |
guest|cpu_queue | Guest|CPU Queue | The number of ready threads queuing in the CPU. Linux includes threads in
running state. A number greater than 2 for prolong period indicates CPU core
bottleneck. |
guest|disk_queue | Guest|Disk Queue | The number of outstanding requests + IO currently in progress. |
guest|contextSwapRate_latest | Guest|Context Swap Rate per second | Context Swap Rate per second |
guest|hugePage.size_latest | Guest|Huge Page Size | Huge Page Size |
guest|hugePage.total_latest | Guest|Total Huge Pages | Total Huge Pages |
guest|mem.activeFileCache_latest | Guest|Active File Cache Memory | Active File Cache Memory |
guest|page.outRate_latest | Guest|Page Out Rate per second | Page Out Rate per second |
guest|disk_queue_latest | Guest|Disk Queue Latest | The number of outstanding requests + IO currently in progress. |
virtualDisk|numberReadAveraged_average | Virtual Disk|Read IOPS | Number of read operations per second. This is averaged over the reporting
period |
virtualDisk|numberWriteAveraged_average | Virtual Disk|Write IOPS | Number of write operations per second. This is averaged over the reporting
period |
virtualDisk|read_average | Virtual Disk|Read Throughput | Amount of data read from storage in a second. This is averaged over the
reporting period |
virtualDisk|totalReadLatency_average | Virtual Disk|Read Latency | Average amount of time for a read operation by the storage adapter. |
virtualDisk|totalWriteLatency_average | Virtual Disk|Write Latency | Average amount of time for a write operation by the storage adapter. |
virtualDisk|write_average | Virtual Disk|Write Throughput | Amount of data written to storage in a second. This is averaged over the
reporting period |
virtualDisk|usage | Virtual Disk|Total Throughput | Amount of data read from/written to storage in a second. This is averaged over
the reporting period |
virtualDisk|totalLatency | Virtual Disk|Total Latency | Total Latency |
virtualDisk|commandsAveraged_average | Virtual Disk|Total IOPS | Number of read/write operations per second. This is averaged over the reporting
period |
virtualDisk|vDiskOIO | Virtual Disk|Outstanding IO requests | OIO for datastore. |
virtualDisk|actualUsage | Virtual Disk|Used Disk Space | Virtual Disk space usage |
virtualDisk|busResets_summation | Virtual Disk|Bus Resets | The number of bus resets in the performance interval |
virtualDisk|commandsAborted_summation | Virtual Disk|Commands Aborted | The number of disk commands stopped in the performance interval |
virtualDisk|readLoadMetric_latest | Virtual Disk|Read Load | Storage DRS virtual disk metric read load |
virtualDisk|readOIO_latest | Virtual Disk|Outstanding Read Requests | Average number of outstanding read requests to the virtual disk |
virtualDisk|writeLoadMetric_latest | Virtual Disk|Write Load | Storage DRS virtual disk write load |
virtualDisk|writeOIO_latest | Virtual Disk|Outstanding Write Requests | Average number of outstanding write requests to the virtual disk |
virtualDisk|smallSeeks_latest | Virtual Disk|Number of Small Seeks | Small Seeks |
virtualDisk|mediumSeeks_latest | Virtual Disk|Number of Medium Seeks | Medium Seeks |
virtualDisk|largeSeeks_latest | Virtual Disk|Number of Large Seeks | Large Seeks |
virtualDisk|readLatencyUS_latest | Virtual Disk|Read Latency (microseconds) | Read latency in microseconds |
virtualDisk|writeLatencyUS_latest | Virtual Disk|Write Latency (microseconds) | Write Latency in microseconds |
virtualDisk|readIOSize_latest | Virtual Disk|Average Read request size | Read IO size |
virtualDisk|writeIOSize_latest | Virtual Disk|Average Write request size | Write IO size |
diskspace|pod_used | Disk Space|Pod used | Space used by Pod files |
diskspace|provisionedSpace | Disk Space|Provisioned Space for Pod | Provisioned space for Pod. In thin provisioned, it is the full space allocated
(which may not be used yet). |
diskspace|notshared | Disk Space|Not Shared | Space used by VM that is not shared with other VM |
diskspace|activeNotShared | Disk Space|Active not shared | Unshared disk space used by VMs excluding snapshot |
diskspace|perDsUsed | Disk Space|Pod used | Space used by all files of the Pod on the datastore (disks, snapshots, configs,
logs, etc). |
diskspace|total_usage | Disk Space|Utilization | Total disk space used on all datastores visible to this object |
diskspace|total_capacity | Disk Space|Total Capacity | Total disk space on all datastores visible to this object |
diskspace|diskused | Disk Space|Virtual Disk Used | Space used by virtual disks |
diskspace|snapshot | Disk Space|Snapshot Space | Space used by snapshots |
diskspace|shared | Disk Space|Shared Used | Shared space used |
diskspace|provisioned | Disk Space|Provisioned Space | Provisioned space |
diskspace|snapshot|used | Disk Space|Snapshot|Pod used | Disk space used by the Pod snapshot files. This is the space that can be
potentially reclaimed if the snapshot is removed. |
diskspace|snapshot|accessTime | Disk Space|Snapshot|Access Time | The date and time the snapshot was taken. |
storage|totalReadLatency_average | Storage|Read Latency | Average amount of time for a read operation. |
storage|totalWriteLatency_average | Storage|Write Latency | Average amount of time for a write operation. |
storage|read_average | Storage|Read Rate | Read throughput rate |
storage|write_average | Storage|Write Rate | Write throughput rate |
storage|usage_average | Storage|Total Usage | Total throughput rate |
storage|numberReadAveraged_average | Storage|Reads per second | Average number of read commands issued per second during the collection
interval |
storage|numberWriteAveraged_average | Storage|Writes per second | Average number of write commands issued per second during the collection
interval |
storage|commandsAveraged_average | Storage|Commands per second | Average number of commands issued per second during the collection
interval |
storage|totalLatency_average | Storage|Total Latency | Total latency |
storage|demandKBps | Storage|Demand | N/A |
storage|contention | Storage|Contention percentage | N/A |
cost|monthlyTotalCost | Cost|MTD Total Cost | Month To Date Cost of Virtual Machine |
cost|monthlyProjectedCost | Cost|Monthly Projected Total Cost | Virtual Machine cost projected for full month |
cost|compTotalCost | Cost|MTD Compute Total Cost | Month to Date Total Compute Cost (Including CPU and Memory) of Virtual
Machine |
cost|directCost | Cost|Monthly Direct Cost | Monthly Direct Cost (comprising of OS Labor, VI Labor and any windows desktop
instance license) of Virtual Machine |
cost|cpuCost | Cost|MTD CPU Cost | Month to Date Virtual Machine CPU Cost. It is based on utilization. The more
the VM uses, the higher its cost. |
cost|memoryCost | Cost|MTD Memory Cost | Month to Date Memory Cost of Virtual Machine. It is based on utilization. The
more the VM uses, the higher its cost. |
cost|storageCost | Cost|MTD Disk Space Cost | Month to Date Disk Space Cost of Virtual Machine |
cost|reclaimableCost | Cost|Potential Savings | Potential Savings |
cost|osLaborTotalCost | Cost|Monthly OS Labor Cost | Operating System Labor Cost of Virtual Machine for full month |
cost|viLaborTotalCost | Cost|Monthly VI Labor Cost | Monthly VI Labor Cost |
cost|effectiveTotalCost | Cost|MTD Effective Total Cost | Month to Date Cost of Virtual Machine considering the allocation and demand
model |
cost|effectiveProjectedTotalCost | Cost|Monthly Effective Projected Total Cost | Virtual Machine cost projected for full month considering the allocation and
demand model |
cost|allocation|allocationBasedCpuMTDCost | Cost|Allocation|MTD CPU Cost | Month to Date Virtual Machine CPU Cost. It is based on utilization. The more
the VM uses, the higher its cost. |
cost|allocation|allocationBasedMemoryMTDCost | Cost|Allocation|MTD Memory Cost | Month to Date Memory Cost of Virtual Machine. It is based on utilization. The
more the VM uses, the higher its cost. |
cost|allocation|allocationBasedStorageMTDCost | Cost|Allocation|MTD Disk Space Cost | Month to Date Disk Space Cost of Virtual Machine |
cost|allocation|allocationBasedTotalMTDCost | Cost|Allocation|MTD Total Cost | Month To Date Cost of Virtual Machine |
cost|allocation|allocationBasedTotalCost | Cost|Allocation|Monthly Projected Total Cost | Virtual Machine cost projected for full month |
datastore|demand_oio | Datastore|Outstanding IO requests | Amount of IO waiting in the queue to be executed. High IO, coupled with high
latency, impacts performance. |
datastore|numberReadAveraged_average | Datastore|Read IOPS | Number of read operations per second. This is averaged over the reporting
period. |
datastore|numberWriteAveraged_average | Datastore|Write IOPS | Number of write operations per second. This is averaged over the reporting
period. |
datastore|read_average | Datastore|Read Throughput | Amount of data read from storage in a second. This is averaged over the
reporting period. |
datastore|totalReadLatency_average | Datastore|Read Latency | Average amount of time for a read operation at the datastore level. It's an
average of all the VMs in the datastore. |
datastore|totalWriteLatency_average | Datastore|Write Latency | Average amount of time for a write operation by the storage adapter. |
datastore|write_average | Datastore|Write Throughput | Amount of data written from storage in a second. This is averaged over the
reporting period. |
datastore|totalLatency_average | Datastore|Total Latency | Normalized Latency, taking into account the read/write ratio. |
datastore|usage_average | Datastore|Total Throughput | Amount of data read from/written to storage in a second. This is averaged over
the reporting period. |
datastore|commandsAveraged_average | Datastore|Total IOPS | Number of read/write operations per second. This is averaged over the reporting
period. |
datastore|used | Datastore|Used Space | Used Space. |
datastore|demand | Datastore|Demand | Max of datastore "Reads Per Sec", "Writes Per Sec", "Read Rate", "Write Rate",
"OIO Per Sec" percentages. |
datastore|maxTotalLatency_latest | Datastore|Highest Latency | Highest Latency. |
datastore|totalLatency_max | Datastore|Total Latency Max | Total Latency Max (ms). |
datastore|maxObserved_NumberRead | Datastore|Max Observed Reads per second | Max observed average number of read commands issued per second during the
collection interval. |
datastore|maxObserved_Read | Datastore|Max Observed Read Rate | Max observed rate of reading data from the datastore. |
datastore|maxObserved_NumberWrite | Datastore|Max Observed Writes per second | Max observed average number of write commands issued per second during the
collection interval. |
datastore|maxObserved_Write | Datastore|Max Observed Write Rate | Max observed rate of writing data from the datastore. |
datastore|maxObserved_OIO | Datastore|Max Observed Number of Outstanding IO Operations | N/A |
Power Metrics for vSphere Pods
Power metrics provide information about the vSphere
pods power use.
Metric Name | Description |
Power|Total Energy Consumed in the collection period (Wh) | Displays the total electricity consumed based on the time
interval selected. The default collection cycle is set to 5 mins. You can continue
using the default setting or edit it for each adapter instance. For example, if the
time interval is set to its default value, the value represents the energy consumed
per 5 mins. |
Power|Current Power Consumption Rate (Watt) | The power consumption rate per second, averaged over the
reporting period. Key: power|power_average
Power|(DEP) Energy (Joule) | Total energy consumed in joules. Key: power|energy_summation |