Troubleshooting Set CPU
Resources or Set Memory Resources When the Value Is Too High
You run the Set CPU
Resources or Set Memory Resources action and the task fails with an error
appearing in the Recent Tasks messages. The reason might be that you entered a
value that is greater than the value that your
vCenter Server
instance supports.
The Recent Tasks list indicates that
a Set CPU Resource or Set Memory Resource action has a state of
. When you evaluate the Messages list for the selected
task, you see messages similar to the following examples.
If you are working with Set CPU
Resources, the information message is similar to the following example, where
1000000000 is the supplied reservation value.
Reconfiguring the Virtual Machine Reservation to:[1000000000] Mhz
The error message for this action is
similar to this example.
RuntimeFault exception, message:[A specified parameter was not correct: reservation]
If you are working with Set Memory
Resources, the information message is similar to the following example, where
1000000000 is the supplied reservation value.
Reconfiguring the Virtual Machine Reservation to:[1000000000] (MB)
The error message for this action is
similar to this example.
RuntimeFault exception, message:[A specified parameter was not correct. spec.memoryAllocation.reservation]
You submitted the action to change
the CPU or memory reservation or limit value to a value greater than the value
supported by
vCenter Server
or the submitted reservation value is greater than the limit.
- Run the action using a lower value.