Adding endpoints if you are a user
The endpoints in
VMware Aria
help you to collect license usage data for your on-premises Aria
Suite products, after you connect the license keys from the VMware Aria
Suite Lifecycle
locker to your VMware Aria
service. For
multi-organizations, you can now connect the same license in your primary organization or
secondary organization. You can also upload the on-premises license usage data from your
primary organization to your secondary organization.Deploy the
VMware Aria
Suite Lifecycle
appliance.- Use a supported Web browser (Chrome, Internet Explorer, or Mozilla FireFox) to connect to yourVMware Aria Suite Lifecycleappliance by using the IP address or host name of the appliance.https://IP address/vrlcmYou can also accessVMware Aria Suite Lifecycleusing the URL https://IP address. The URL http://IP addressdoes not successfully redirect toVMware Aria Suite Lifecycle.
- Enter the administrator user name and default administrator password, and then clickLog In.
- Navigate to the Lifecycle Operations dashboard, and then clickSettings.
- ClickMy VMwareand add a MyVMware account that is used to procure the VMware Aria Cloud or subscription. After your My VMware account is configured, then the corresponding license key is synced.
- From the Lifecycle Operations dashboard, clickLocker, and then clickLicense.
- From the available list of VMware Aria Cloud licenses, select the license that you can use to connect toVMware Aria Subscription, and then click the vertical ellipses to view available actions for the selected license key.
- ClickConnect License.
- Provide an API token to connect theVMware Aria Subscriptionlicense to a VMware Cloud Organization for the subscription redeemed, and then clickNext.
- Under Match License Key, ifVMware Aria Suite Lifecyclefinds a matching license key for the subscription associated to the cloud organization which provides the API token, it shows that a match is found.
- Under Report Frequency, you receive a confirmation that you are connected toVMware Aria Subscription, and your data use is reported toVMware Aria Subscriptiontwice a day.
- ClickFinish.After you connect toVMware Aria Suite Lifecycle, you can view the endpoint inVMware Aria Subscription. For each endpoint, you can view the license key details, user name, last updated date, and the expiration date.
- If you want to disconnect a license inVMware Aria Suite Lifecycle, right-click the vertical ellipses for a selected license, and then clickDisconnect License.
- When prompted for a confirmation to delete the license, clickDisconnect.