Configuring a Cloud Proxy in VMware Aria
VMware Aria
Using cloud proxies in
VMware Aria
, you can collect and monitor data from your remote data
centers. Typically, you need only one cloud proxy per physical data center. You can deploy
one or more cloud proxies in VMware Aria
to create a one-way communication between your remote
environment and VMware Aria
.- Verify that you have cloud administrator credentials.
- Verify that you have an IP address, a DNS entry, and permissions to deploy OVF templates invSphere.Login to vSphere and verify that you are connected to a vCenter system.
- Allow incoming and outgoing HTTPS traffic for the cloud proxy over port 443.
- ForVMware Aria Automation8.x endpoints, allow incoming and outgoing traffic over port 22 to the cloud proxy.
- For non-VMware Aria Automationendpoints, allow incoming and outgoing traffic over port 443 to the cloud proxy.
- To support the cloud proxy, access to the following domains is required. For more detailed information about cloud proxy requirements, go to Add a cloud proxy to a vCenter in Automation Assembler.
The following cloud proxy considerations are
noteworthy. For additional and related cloud proxy considerations, go to VMware Cloud Services Cloud Proxy.
- The cloud proxy OVA must be deployed in vCenter. Deployment to an ESX server is not supported.
- Regarding general resource requirements, the cloud proxy uses a default size when deploying the cloud proxy OVA. While the value can be changed, you should not reduce the size. This does not impact the resources consumed by the agents running inside the cloud proxy. Each agent has different resource requirements. For example, thevrcsm-cloudproxy-agentuses 1GB memory and the entire CPU available on the host machine, but shared across similarly configured agent containers. Settings can be changed, but they are not persistent. When the agent is upgraded or restarted, it reverts back to using the default settings.
Perform the following steps to deploy the cloud
proxy in vCenter:
- Use your VMware Cloud administrator credentials and log in to the VMware Cloud Services console.
- SelectServices, and then click theVMware Aria Hub Subscriptionservice tile.
- Navigate to, and click .
- Download the cloud proxy OVA. Rename the downloaded OVA something unique, for examplevCenter1_vmc_va.ova.You can download and name the cloud proxy OVA to make it obvious what it is used for, for example when using a particular cloud account for a particular purpose.You can also change the name of the cloud proxy when you deploy it in vCenter.
- Navigate to your vSphere Web Client data center, click the name of your vCenter cluster, and selectDeploy OVF Template.
- Enter information as prompted to install the OVA on your vCenter.
- When prompted to enter the VMware Cloud Services OTK key or token, return to theInstall Cloud Proxypage.
- Click theCopy Keyicon.The OTK Key expires 24 hours after generation. To avoid using an expired key, click Regenerate Key before proceeding.
- Enter theRoot User Passwordfor your virtual appliance.
- UnderCloud Proxy Display Name, enter a display name for the cloud proxy.
- To configure additional security and force connections to pass through a proxy server, use theNetwork Proxy Hostname/IP Address,Network Proxy Port,Network Proxy Username, andNetwork Proxy Passwordoptions to configure the network proxy.For details about configuring these cloud proxy settings, go to VMware Cloud Services Cloud Proxy.
- To begin deploying the cloud proxy, clickFinish.
- The deployment takes a few minutes to finish. After the deployment finishes, select your cloud proxy from the list of vCenter objects and clickPower on.
- Return to theCloud Proxypage inVMware Aria Subscriptionto view the status of the cloud proxy you just installed.