Upgrade your cloud extensibility
The cloud extensibility proxy (ABX cloud proxy) is a virtual appliance that you can
use to configure the on-premises extensibility action integrations with the
VMware Aria Automation
integrations in VMware Aria Automation Assembler
. The following procedure shows how to upgrade an installed cloud
extensibility proxy, using VMware Aria
Suite Lifecycle
.- Verify that you are runningVMware Aria Suite Lifecycle8.14 or later.
- Create a snapshot of the existing cloud extensiblity proxy product. See Create and manage a product snapshot
- Log in toVMware Aria Suite Lifecycle.
- On theMy Servicesdashboard, clickVMware Aria Cloud.
- In the navigation list at the left, selectCloud Proxies.
- On theCloud Environmentspage, select the cloud extensiblity proxy that you want to upgrade.
- TheCloud Extensibility Proxypage appears.
- ClickUpgrade.
- ClickTrigger Inventory Sync.
- When the prompt forProceed to Upgradeappears, clickProceed.
- TheUpgrade Cloud Extensibility Proxypage appears.Prepare for the upgrade.
- The URL of the repository where the upgrade is located is populated by default. ClickNextA version check ensures that the version in the upgrade repository is newer than the currently installed version. If the version check fails, a message reports that the upgrade is not available and the upgrade process ends.
- For snapshot type,Take product snapshotis selected by default. ClickNext.
- ClickRun Precheck.The precheck verifies:
- SSH connectivity status
- Password compliance
- vCenter properties availability
- vCenter managed object reference ID presence
- VMware Aria Automation cloud extensibility proxy health
- Hostname resolvability
- Unique IP address resolvability
If any checks fail, clickDownload Reportto see the recommended actions. Then after taking corrective action, clickRe-run Precheck. If all checks pass, clickNext. - When the upgrade summary appears, verify that the upgrade details are correct, then clickSubmit.
page appears and shows how each upgrade stage is progressing. The
upgrade requires approximately one hour to complete.