Validate private cloud environment
To configure
, cluster, network, datastore, and
certificate details for a new private cloud environment, use VMware Aria
Suite Lifecycle
. - Enter the details of thevCenterwhere you are installing theVMware Aria Suiteand the names of the cluster, network, and datastore to use for this environment.ThevCentername must be in the form of a fully qualified domain name.
- Select the disk file format, and clickNext.OptionDescriptionThinUse for evaluation and testing.ThickUse for production environments.
- Enter the default gateway, domain, domain search path, DNS server, and netmask details for the environment, and clickNext.
- Enter the key passphrase and private key.
- Enter certificate chain for the SAN certificate to import or select theGenerated Certificateoption, and clickNext.For information on generating a SAN certificate, see Manage certificates for VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle products.
- Enter the product details for each of theVMware Aria Suiteproducts that you have selected to install by providing its Windows hostname and IP Address.
- Click thePRE-CHECKto run and validate the properties for each of theVMware Aria Suiteproducts.If the pre-check fails, make the recommended corrections and run pre-check again.
- Review the summary information and then clickSubmit.