Managing SDDC Content Using Content Management APIs

As a release manager or content developer, you use the content management APIs to manage software-defined data center (SDDC) content. Managing your software-defined content, requires setting up content endpoints and adding content that you want to manage.
To use content management, your system must include content endpoints that are configured in
VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle
with details such as credentials and policies. Supported content includes entities from:
  • Source Control Servers:
    • Gitlab: All latest version up to 11.6.5
    • Bitbucket Server 6.5.1
    • Bitbucket Cloud: All latest versions
  • VMware Aria Automation Orchestrator
    7.x or later.
    VMware Aria Automation Orchestrator
    8.0 is not supported as an endpoint.
  • VMware Aria Automation
    7.2 or later.
    VMware Aria Automation
    8.0 is not supported as an endpoint.
  • VMware Aria Operations
    6.6.1 or later.
  • VMware vSphere
    6.0 or later.
For information about content lifecycle management using the UI, see the .