Migrate content from VMware
Aria Operations SaaS to VMware
Aria Operations on-prem
Aria Operations
SaaS to VMware
Aria Operations
on-premAs a
VMware Aria
Suite Lifecycle
you can use the Migration Service to migrate contents from your VMware
Aria Operations
SaaS deployment to your VMware
Aria Operations
on-prem deployment. The following
procedure shows how to migrate your content.Verify that a
VMware Aria
Suite Lifecycle
administrator has performed the
prerequisites listed on Using the Migration Service in VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle.- On theMy Servicesdashboard, clickMigration Service.
- ClickNew Migration.A a series of migration configuration pages appear. After completing the information on each page, clickNext.
- Enter the information for the Infrastructure.
- Type a Migration name.
- For Product Type, selectVMware Aria Operations.
- For Cloud Service, select the SaaS Content Management endpoint.
- For On-Prem Destination, select the on-prem endpoint.If the product does not exist on-prem, click the+sign to deploy the product and then return to the Migration Service once the deployment has completed.
- Enter the information for Configuration.
- Select a source user, such as your username.
- Select a destination user, such asadmin.
- Select the destination password and clickValidate.If the password does not exist, click the+sign to create a password and then select it.
- UnderCollector Configuration, if you want to deploy additional collectors, you can map existing cloud collectors to on-prem cloud collectors by deploying new on-premVMware Aria Operationscollectors.
- Enter the information for Content Management.
- For Export, select all content types you would like to export from SaaS to on-prem.
- For Import, select the behavior in case of a conflict.
- Skip item(s)
- Overwrite existing content
- ForEncrypt Password, you must set up a new password to export data for configurations such as integration accounts, http proxies, outbound settings, users, and authentication sources that have sensitive information. The password should be at least 14 characters long.If the password does not exist, click the+sign to create a password and then select the locker object.
- Enter the information for Integrations.
- For User Details, provide user information necessary for downloading management packs from the VMware Marketplace during migration, that will be installed on the on-premVMware Aria Operationsinstance.
- Integration Details provides you insight on the adapters that are applicable, installed, unavailable and not applicable for your on-prem product.
- Available Integrations. Shows all available and activated integrations from on-premVMware Aria Operationsinstance. If any Management Packs are missing or not installed, they will be installed when the migration is triggered.
- Installed Integrations. Integrations that are installed on the on-premVMware Aria Operationsinstance.
- Unsupported. Integrations that are not applicable for the on-premVMware Aria Operationsinstance.
- Installation Unavailable. Integrations that are not available for installation throughVMware Aria Suite Lifecycle.
- Perform pre-validations to assess preparedness before migration.ClickValidateto begin:
- Version Check. EnsuresVMware Aria Operationson-prem version is 8.14 or later. A best practice is to use the latest version.
- Health Check. Checks to confirm that the on-premVMware Aria Operationsinstance is healthy.
- Sizing Compatibility Check. Checks for deployment sizing compatibility between the source and the destination, considering the count of objects and metrics.If the Sizing Compatibility Check fails, useVMware Aria Suite Lifecycleto perform a vertical scale up and run the pre-check again.
- Review the Summary page.
- ClickFinishto start the migration.
To monitor the migration, click
and review the list of migrations.Check information in the
, Migration Status
, and Content
columns for the migration that you submitted.- Clicking a status underRequest StatusorMigration Statusopens aRequest Detailspage that displays the stages of the request submitted.
- Clicking the info icon next to the status underMigration Status, opens a window that displays the status of the migration. If you select theclick herelink in the window, you are directed to log in toVMware Aria Operations. An page automatically opens with a summary of the content migrated on theImporttab.
- ClickingViewunderContent Detailopens the Content Pipeline details page and describes the status of the pipeline.