Installing and Importing Products Using VMware Aria
Suite Lifecycle APIs
VMware Aria
Suite Lifecycle
APIsAs a cloud administrator, you use the
VMware Aria
Suite Lifecycle
APIs to set up your environment and add products. You can either install or import products into your environment. VMware Aria
Suite Lifecycle Deployment Flow
VMware Aria
Suite Lifecycle
Deployment FlowThe process to install or import a product using the 
VMware Aria
Suite Lifecycle
APIs follows the same process used in the VMware Aria
Suite Lifecycle
For the
VMware Aria Suite
products and versions that you can install, see in the VMware Aria
Suite Lifecycle
product documentation.Prerequisites for Installing and Importing Products
All tasks for installing and importing products include the following common prerequisites:
- Verify that you have a MyVMware account. The licenses, certificates, and products that you can install are associated with your MyVMware account.The MyVMware portal is now at
- Verify that the appliance name and fully qualified domain name of theVMware Aria Suite Lifecycleinstance are available.
- Verify that the URL variable is assigned.url='https://LCM-Hostname'
- Verify that you know product IDs for the products you plan to install or import.ProductProduct IDVMware Aria OperationsvropsVMware Aria Operations for LogsvrliVMware Aria AutomationvraWorkspace ONE AccessvidmVMware Aria Operations for NetworksvrniVMware Aria Automation ConfigvsscVMware Aria Automation OrchestratorvroVMware Aria Automation Orchestratorinstallation or import is always integrated withVMware Aria Automation.
Any additional prerequisites are specified with the individual tasks.