Associate an existing tenant with
VMware Aria Automation

If you have created a tenant in
VMware Workspace ONE Access
, you can associate it with
VMware Aria Automation
so that the tenant can use the
VMware Aria Automation
product services.
  • Verify that all general prerequisites have been satisfied. See Tenant management using VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle APIs.
  • Verify that you have the name of the existing tenant. See Add a tenant.
  • Verify that you have the following input values required to associate an existing tenant with
    VMware Aria Automation
    • The name of the existing tenant. See Add a tenant.
    • vidmCludDto
      Details for the tenant administrator.
    Optional input values include:
    • migratePreludeOAuthClients
      Defaults to true. If set to false, existing active directories are not migrated when the tenant is created. For example, set this value to false if you want to associate the tenant with a
      VMware Aria Suite
      product later.
    • vidmDclDto
      This data transfer object captures directory information such as names and passwords for AD in
      VMware Workspace ONE Access
      . Provide this information if you want to add directories in the primary tenant to the tenant that you are creating.
This procedure shows how to associate an existing tenant with
VMware Aria Automation
. Before creating the association, you first obtain the ID of the environment in
VMware Aria Automation
where the tenant will be assigned.
  1. List the environments for all installed products.
    curl -X GET \ '$url/lcm/lcops/api/v2/environments' \ -H 'Authorization: Basic YWRtaW5AbG9jYWw6VGhpc0lzUGFzc3dvcmQ=' \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ }' | jq "."
  2. Examine the response to locate the environment ID that includes the
    VMware Aria Automation
    product where you want to associate the tenant.
    ... { "environmentId": "vRSSmallImportEnvironment1595601218016", "environmentName": "vRS Small Import Environment", ... }, "products": [ { "id": "vra", "version": "8.0.1", "patchHistory": null, "snapshotHistory": null, "logHistory": null, "clusterVIP": null, ...
  3. Associate an existing tenant named
    VMware Aria Automation
    curl -X PUT \ '$url/lcm/authzn/api/v2/idp/tenants/associate/new_Tenant' \ -H 'Authorization: Basic YWRtaW5AbG9jYWw6VGhpc0lzUGFzc3dvcmQ=' \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ -d '{ "migratePreludeOAuthClients": true, "productsToAssociateWith": [ { "environmentId": "vRSSmallImportEnvironment1595601218016", "productId": "vra" } ], "vidmCludDto": { "email": "<
    >", "familyName": "<
    >", "givenName": "<
    >", "password": "<
    >", "userName": "<
    >" }, "vidmDclDto": { "adOverLdapDirectories": [ { "directoryBindPassword": "<
    >", "directoryName": "<
    >" } ], "adWithIwaDirectories": [ { "directoryBindPassword": "<
    >", "directoryName": "<
    >", "domainAdminPassword": "<
    >" } ] } }' | jq "."
    A snippet of the response provides a request ID that you can use to check the status of the request.
    { "requestId": "a0d8d8cd-ac87-4b5c-ba8b-7a0173c56b55" }
  4. Assign the variable for the
    requestId = "a0d8d8cd-ac87-4b5c-ba8b-7a0173c56b55"
  5. Use the
    to track your request.
    curl -X GET '$url/lcm/authzn/api/v2/idp/tenants/requests/$requestId' -H 'Authorization: Basic YWRtaW5AbG9jYWw6VGhpc0lzUGFzc3dvcmQ=' | jq "."
    After the request succeeds, the existing tenant is associated with
    VMware Aria Automation
    and can use the services that the product provides.