Allow or prevent secure shell on VMware Aria
Suite Lifecycle
VMware Aria
Suite Lifecycle
You can allow or prevent SSH on
VMware Aria
Suite Lifecycle
when logged in as root
user. VMware Aria
Suite Lifecycle
installs all products with SSH enabled by default. To prevent or disallow SSH on products installed by VMware Aria
Suite Lifecycle
, see that product's hardening guide. For information on allowing and preventing secure shell by using the
VMware Aria
Suite Lifecycle
UI, see the Allow or prevent SSH on VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle topic for your VMware Aria
Suite Lifecycle
release. - Log in asroot.
- Run the command# /usr/bin/systemctl {enable|disable} sshdto allow SSH.
- Run the command# /usr/bin/systemctl {start|stop} sshdto disallow or prevent SSH.