Uninstall VMware Cloud Director
Availability from the Cloud Director site
VMware Cloud Director
from the Cloud Director siteTo remove a
VMware Cloud Director
from a cloud site backed by VMware Cloud Director
, stop
the replications, delete pairing with all peer sites, remove the plug-in from VMware Cloud Director
, then remove the cloud
appliances.Verify that
VMware Cloud Director
deployed in the cloud site backed by VMware Cloud Director
.When replacing an old
VMware Cloud Director
instance, to prevent the error message VM
already protected
after installing the new VMware Cloud Director
instance, follow the steps
in this procedure. - Stop all replications from and to theVMware Cloud Director Availabilityinstance you are removing.
- Log in to theVMware Cloud Director Availabilityinstance that you are removing.
- In the left pane, clickIncoming Replications.
- Select all the replications and clickDelete.
- Repeat this step inOutgoing Replicationsand delete all the replications.
- Delete the established trust with all peer sites.
- In the left pane underConfiguration, clickPeer Sites.
- In theCloud sitespage, select a cloud site, then clickDelete.
- In theDelete Peer Cloud Sitewindow, to delete the cloud site pairing, clickDelete.You deleted the pairing with the cloud site and removed the trust from both the local and the remote cloud sites.
- Repeat the above steps until you delete the pairing with all peer cloud sites.
- Delete the established trust with all on-premises sites from the cloud site.
- If the on-premises site is still paired, delete the pairing from the cloud site, then from the on-premises site delete the remaining pairing with the cloud site. For information about deleting pairing from the on-premises site, see Unpair a remote site.
- If from the on-premises site the cloud site is already unpaired, then delete the remaining record in the cloud site.
- On thePeer Sitespage, underOn-premises sites, clickDelete.
- In theDelete On-Premises Sitewindow, to delete the on-premises site pairing, clickDelete.AboveOn-premises sitesyou see a greenOn-Premises site deleted successfully.message. You removed the cloud site trust with the on-premises site. If you performed this procedure from the cloud site first, in the on-premises site the cloud site still shows as paired. For more information, see Unpair a remote site.
- Repeat the above step until you delete pairing with all peer on-premises sites.
You deleted all peer sites paired with thisVMware Cloud Director Availabilityinstance. - Remove theVMware Cloud Director Availabilityplug-in fromVMware Cloud Director.
- In the left pane, clickSettings.
- UnderService endpointsnext toVMware Cloud Director Address, clickRemove plugin.
- In theRemove VCD UI pluginwindow, clickRemove.
- If the management interface ofVMware Cloud Director Availabilityis not available, remove theVMware Cloud Director Availabilityplug-in fromVMware Cloud Directorby using its Service Provider Admin Portal.
- Go tohttps://vcloud.example.com/providerand log in to the Service Provider Admin Portal ofVMware Cloud Directorby using thesystem administratoruser credentials.
- From the top navigation bar, select.
- Select the check box next to the name of theVMware Cloud Director Availabilityplug-in, then clickDelete.
- To confirm removing the plug-in, clickSave.
- For theVMware Cloud Director Availabilityinstance you are removing, delete all the virtual machines of its appliances from thevCenter Serverinstance.
VMware Cloud Director
instance is
now uninstalled from the cloud site backed by VMware Cloud Director
.You can now install a new
VMware Cloud Director
instance in the same cloud site.