Log in to VMware Cloud Director
Availability as a provider
VMware Cloud Director
as a providerAs a
log in to the VMware Cloud Director Availability
Provider Portal
to view and manage replication workloads, monitor services
and administer VMware Cloud Director
.- ForVMware Cloud Director-backed sites:
- Verify that yourVMware Cloud Directorprovider user profile hasSystem Administratorprivileges.
- ForvSphereDR and Migration:
- Verify that yourvSphereprovider user profile hasADMINISTRATORSorVRADMINISTRATORSprivileges and ensure that the user has sufficient privileges to see and interact withvSphereworkloads.For example, theAdministrator@vsphere.localsingle sign-on user is a member of theADMINISTRATORSgroup.
Security Guide
.- VMware Cloud Director-backed sites:
- VMware Cloud Director Availabilityallows logins by usingVMware Cloud Directorcredentials.
- vSphereDR and Migration:
- VMware Cloud Director Availability4.4 or later allows logins tovCenter Serversites, not backed byVMware Cloud Directorby usingvSpheresingle-sign-on credentials.
- In a Web browser, go to theVMware Cloud Director Availability Provider Portalathttps://.Replication-Management-Appliance-IP-address/ui/admin
- Authenticate toVMware Cloud Director Availabilityas a provider.
- SelectAppliance loginand enter therootuser password.
- Alternatively, selectSSO loginand enter the user name as:
- ForVMware Cloud Director-backed sites:
- Enter yourSystem Administratoruser credentials as.providerusername@system
- ForvSphereDR and migration:
- Enter yourvSpheresingle-sign-on user credentials, for example.Administrator@vsphere.local
- To login as a provider, clickLogin.