Reset an AWS User Account
User AccountTo remove the association between an
account and a VMware Cloud
organization, you can reset the AWS
account.Verify that
VMware Cloud Director Object Storage Extension
is inactive for the VMware Cloud
organization to which the user account belongs.If the
account is shared between VMware Cloud
organizations, you cannot clean up buckets and objects from AWS S3
. If the
account is associated with a single VMware Cloud
organization, you can optionally clean up all buckets and objects that the account owns from AWS S3
. If you choose not to clean up the buckets and objects that the account owns, the resources remain stored in AWS S3
.- Log in to theVMware Cloud Director cloud provider admin portal.
- In the primary left navigation panel, underMore, selectObject Storage.
- On theTenantstab, click the name of the tenant organization to which theAWSaccount belongs.
- In the storage platform card, clickReset Tenant.
- To remove all buckets and objects fromAWS S3, select Clean up all buckets.Cleaning up buckets and objects fromAWS S3is time consuming. You can close the dialog box and come back to theTenantstab to review the progress.If the cleanup operation fails, resetting theAWSaccount also fails.
While the operation runs, the status is
. Once the operation completes successfully, the status changes to Deactivated
. If resetting the account fails, the status changes to Abnormal
and an error message indicates what the issue might be.
If this account is reused or invited, the account is released from the organization unit and is moved to the root organization pool.
If the account is invited, the account is removed from the root organization pool.
If the account is reused or invited, you can reuse this account again and provide access to
VMware Cloud Director Object Storage Extension
to another VMware Cloud
organization user. See Reuse an AWS User Account.
If the account is invited, you cannot reuse it. To provide access to
VMware Cloud Director Object Storage Extension
to the same AWS
account, invite the account again. See Invite an AWS User Account.