Working with VMware Cloud Director Object Storage Extension S3 API
VMware Cloud Director Object Storage Extension
S3 APIVMware Cloud Director Object Storage Extension
provides a set of S3 compatible APIs for bucket and object operations. The
VMware Cloud Director Object Storage Extension
API support AWS Signature v4, VMware Cloud
JSON Web Token (JWT) authentication method. The
VMware Cloud Director Object Storage Extension
API support JSON and XML formats.By default, the S3 APIs of
VMware Cloud Director Object Storage Extension
are available at https://object-storage-extension-host-address/
and https://object-storage-extension-host-address/api/v1/s3
. Depending on the network configuration of your cloud provider, the address of VMware Cloud Director Object Storage Extension
and the root path for the S3 API might be different from the default configuration.The
VMware Cloud Director Object Storage Extension
S3 API documentation is available with the product at https://
and in the VMware API Explorer at, under the object-storage-extension-host-address
/docsVMware Cloud Director Object Storage Extension
product category.Using Security Credentials and VMware Cloud Director Object Storage Extension API
VMware Cloud Director Object Storage Extension
APITo see how you work with security credentials and
VMware Cloud Director Object Storage Extension
API, use the following example.- Create a user credential by using theVMware Cloud Director Object Storage Extension tenant portal.By default, newly created user credentials are activated during creation.
- Copy the access and secret keys.
- Note the name of a bucket as it is displayed in theVMware Cloud Director Object Storage Extension tenant portal.
- In your API client, use the AWS Signature authentication method to authenticate your API request by entering the API endpoint and the access and security keys.For example, enter the following connection information:API Endpointhttps://Cloud-Director-Object-Storage-Extension-IP-Andreas:443Access key5a5af54cf34a172a511fSecret keyomSG+UXSoyD1fbdFt0iia3I8I+f0QLSiIn5wpq1L
- To list all buckets owned by the owner of the user credential, run an S3 APIGETrequest .For example:GET /HTTP/1.1 Host:vCloud-Director-Object-Storage-Extension-IP-addres:443 Accept: application/xml X-Amz-Content-Sha256: e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855 X-Amz-Date: 20190717T014259Z Authorization: AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 Credential=5a5af54cf34a172a511f/20190717/us-east-1/s3/aws4_request, SignedHeaders=accept;host;x-amz-content-sha256;x-amz-date, Signature=a1a0cfdc34fd4275f567ef673f14d8ff963242d29c13515506a3a913e7f38415 cache-control: no-cache
<listBucketResult> <Name>bucket-name</Name> <KeyCount>1</KeyCount> <MaxKeys>1000</MaxKeys> <Contents> <Key>object-name</Key> <Owner> <ID>system-id-of-the-user</> <DisplayName>display-name-of-the-user</DisplayName> </Owner> <StorageClass>Storage-Class</StorageClass> <Size>object-size-in-KB</Size> <LastModified>last-modified-date</LastModified> </Contents> <IsTruncated>true-or-false</IsTruncated> <ContinuationToken>1-or-0</ContinuationToken> </listBucketResult>
To obtain a user or an application credential, see Working with Security Credentials.