Migrate your data between clusters
You can protect your workloads by migrating the data between clusters.
- Verify that both clusters use the sameKubernetesversion. See Before migrating your cluster in theVelerodocumentation.
- Review the procedures for Start backing up Kubernetes clusters and Restore a Kubernetes cluster.
- Start backing up the targetKubernetescluster that you want to migrate.
- Specify the namespaces or resources, and backup bucket.
- Start backing up the destinationKubernetescluster, where you want to migrate your workloads.
- Specify the namespaces or resources. Select the same backup bucket as the target cluster.
- Restore all the workloads to the destinationKubernetescluster.
For example, you start backing up Cluster A with a destination bucket Bucket 1. Backups are generated and stored to Bucket 1. You start backing up Cluster B with a destination bucket Bucket 1. You restore all the workloads that are stored in Bucket 1 to Cluster B.