Configure StoreFront
Configure the primary Citrix
server.- From the Start menu, open theCitrix StorefrontConsole.
- On theWelcome to StoreFrontscreen, selectCreate a new deployment.
- Enter the base URL and clickNext.You use the base URL to access the applications through HTML5-based browser or the Citrix Workspace App. The Host name should be the VIP/ FQDN of the Load Balancer or StoreFront Server.
- On theGetting Startedwizard, clickNext.
- Enter the store name, select theSet this Receiver for Web site as IIS defaultcheck box, and then clickNext.
- On theDelivery Controllerspage, clickAddand then perform the following:
- Add both Delivery Controllers
- Select theServers are Load Balancedcheck box.
- SelectHTTPas the transport type and clickOk.You can use https if SSL certificate is installed on your Delivery Controllers.
- After the Delivery Controllers are added, clickNext.
- Clear theEnable Remote Accesscheck box and clickNext.You can configure StoreFront to the Use Gateway later.
- Select the authentication methods that you want to your users to access and clickNext.
- Select theEnable XenApp Services URLcheck box and clickCreate.
- ClickFinishafter the store is successfully created.