Using VMware Tanzu Kubernetes Grid Service with VMware Cloud on Dell EMC
VMware Cloud on Dell
the deployment and configuration of Tanzu. After you enable Tanzu on VMware Cloud on Dell
, the supervisor control
plane VMs are automatically deployed based on the parameters, such as Workload Control
Plane, Namespace Segments, and Tier-1 Gateways.Tanzu Administration in
VMware Cloud on Dell
VMware Cloud on Dell
Tanzu Kubernetes Grid in your
VMware Cloud on Dell
similar to TKG on-premises with NSX-T network. However, some and Tanzu
components are managed by VMware and therefore, a few of
the on-premises administrative workflows aren't required for Tanzu
in VMware Cloud on Dell
. For information about
administration in VMware Cloud on Dell
, refer to the VMware Tanzu
Documentation, but consider the following high-level differences when
reading the VMware Tanzu documentation.- VMware Cloud on Dellusers don't have physical access to access ESXi host hardware and cannot log in to the ESXi host operating system. Procedures that require this kind of access are performed by VMware staff.
- Global Permissions are not replicated from your on-premisesvCenter Serverand thevCenter Serverin your SDDC. Global permissions do not apply to objects that VMware manages for you, like SDDC hosts and datastores.
- VMware Cloud on Dellusers don’t have access to the supervisor clusters that are deployed in the management cluster after activating Tanzu.
- InVMware Cloud on Dell, the Tanzu workload control plane can be activated only through theVMware Cloud on Dellconsole.In addition to the high-level differences we've noted, many topics in the VMware Tanzu Documentation are written specifically for on-premises users, and don't include some of the information you need when usingTanzu Kubernetes GridinVMware Cloud on Dell.Topic Content Differences Between On-Premises and SDDC TanzuTopicContent HighlightsTanzu Kubernetes GridforVMware Cloud on Dellis pre-provisioned with a VMC-specific content library that you cannot modify.ThevCenter Serverin your SDDC includes a predefinedCloudAdminrole that is not present in your on-premises vCenter. This role has privileges required to create and manage workloads on your SDDC, but does not allow access to SDDC management components that are supported and managed by VMware, such as hosts, clusters, and management virtual machines.Tanzu Kubernetes GridforVMware Cloud on Delldoes not support vSphere Pods.Creation ofTanzu Kubernetes GridSupervisor Namespace templates is not supported byVMware Cloud on Dell.vSphere namespaces for Kubernetes releases are configured automatically duringTanzu Kubernetes Gridactivation.The embedded Harbor registry is enabled automatically duringTanzu Kubernetes Gridactivation.Step 10 of this procedure, "Monitor the deployment of cluster nodes using the vSphere Client", does not apply toTanzu Kubernetes GridforVMware Cloud on Dell.InTanzu Kubernetes GridforVMware Cloud on Dell, the VM Service allows probe definitions only for port 6443.
The Workload Control Plane,
Namespace Segments, and Tier-1 Gateways
namespace requires an SDDC network segment. To preserve
isolation between namespaces, the workload control plane creates a Tier 1 router in
your SDDC network for each Tanzu
you create. These routers, which are listed in the Tier-1
page of the SDDC Networking &
tab handle east-west traffic between containers connected to
the namespace segment, and route north-south traffic through namespace egress and
ingress points. They function much like the Compute Gateway (CGW) in your SDDC, but
unlike the CGW, which is created as part of the SDDC and persists for the life of
the SDDC, these per-namespace tier-1 gateways are created and destroyed along with
the Tanzu
namespaces they support.How Tanzu Activation Affects an
SDDC Network
When you activate
Tanzu Kubernetes
in a VMware Cloud on Dell
SDDC, the system creates several additional
Tier 1 routers for use by the Workload Control Plane. After activation, vSphere
creates additional Tier 1 routers for each Tanzu
namespace you create. In
an SDDC that uses Direct Connect, ingress and egress CIDRs are advertised to the DX
connection. In an SDDC that is a member of an SDDC group, these CIDRs are advertised
to the .