Uninstall a Virtual Machine by Using the Virtual Machine Library

You can uninstall a virtual machine by deleting its files.
Shut down or power off the virtual machine.
One method for uninstalling a virtual machine is to use the Virtual Machine Library to delete the virtual machine files.
  1. Select
    Virtual Machine Library
  2. Click the thumbnail of the virtual machine to uninstall.
  3. Select
  4. In the Remove Virtual Machine dialog box, select a method of uninstalling the virtual machine.
    Depending on the type of virtual machine you are uninstalling, you might be presented with different options for deleting the virtual machine.
    Move to Trash
    Removes the virtual machine from the Virtual Machine Library window and moves all the virtual machine files to the Trash.
    Keep File
    Removes the virtual machine from the Virtual Machine Library window, but does nothing to the virtual machine files in the Virtual Machines folder.
    Delete Permanently
    Removes the virtual machine from the Virtual Machine Library window and deletes the virtual machine files permanently. The files are deleted permanently and not moved to the trash.