Apply Inventory Mappings to All Members of an Array-Based,
Virtual Volumes
, or
vSphere Replication
Protection Group

If the protection status of an array-based,
Virtual Volumes
, or
vSphere Replication
protection group is
Not Configured
, you can configure protection for all the unconfigured virtual machines by using existing site-wide inventory mappings.
The status of a protection group can be
Not Configured
for several reasons:
  • You did not configure site-wide inventory mappings before you created the protection group.
  • You did not configure placeholder datastore mappings before you created the protection group.
  • You added virtual machines to a protection group after you created it.
  • Virtual machines lost their protection, possibly because you reconfigured them after you added them to a protection group. For example, you added or removed virtual disks or devices.
  1. In the
    vSphere Client
    , click
    Site Recovery
    Open Site Recovery
  2. On the
    Site Recovery
    home tab, select a site pair, and click
    View Details
  3. Click the
    Protection Groups
    tab, click a protection group, and on the right pane, click the
    Virtual Machines
  4. Click the
    Configure All VMs
    At least one virtual machine in the protection group must be in the Not Configured state for the
    Configure All VMs
    button to be active.
  5. Click
    to confirm that you want to apply inventory mappings to all unconfigured virtual machines.
  6. Monitor the status of the virtual machines. If
    Site Recovery Manager
    was unable to apply some or all inventory mappings, or if it was unable to create placeholders for virtual machines, you can perform remedial actions.
    No action required
    Not Configured or Mapping Missing
    Check the inventory mappings and click
    Configure All VMs
    Placeholder VM creation error
    Check the placeholder datastore mapping and try to recreate the placeholder virtual machines.
    • To recreate the placeholder for an individual virtual machine, right-click a virtual machine and select
      Recreate Placeholder
    • To recreate the placeholder for several virtual machines, right-click the protection group and select
      Restore Placeholder VMs