Modifying the DR IP
Customizer CSV File
You modify the DR
IP Customizer comma-separated value (CSV) file to apply customized networking
settings to virtual machines when they start on the recovery site.
Recovery Manager
, you can define subnet-level IP mapping rules to
customize IP settings on virtual machines by using the DR IP Customizer tool.
You can use subnet-level IP mapping rules in combination with DR IP Customizer.
For information about how you can use subnet-level IP mapping rules and DR IP
Customizer together, see
Customizing IP Properties for Multiple Virtual Machines.
One challenge of representing
virtual machine network configurations in a CSV file is that virtual machine
configurations include hierarchical information. For example, a single virtual
machine might contain multiple adapters, and each adapter might have multiple
listings for elements such as gateways. The CSV format does not provide a
system for hierarchical representations. As a result, each row in the CSV file
that the DR IP Customizer generates might provide some or all of the
information for a specific virtual machine.
For a virtual machine with a
simple network configuration, all the information can be included in a single
row. In the case of a more complicated virtual machine, multiple rows might be
required. Virtual machines with multiple network cards or multiple gateways
require multiple rows. Each row in the CSV file includes identification
information that describes to which virtual machine and adapter the information
applies. Information is aggregated to be applied to the appropriate virtual
Follow these guidelines when you
modify the DR IP Customizer CSV file.
- Omit values if a setting is not required.
- Use the minimum number of rows possible for each adapter.
- Do not use commas in any field.
- Specify Adapter ID settings as needed. DR IP Customizer applies settings that you specify on Adapter ID 0 to all NICs. To apply settings to individual NICs, specify the values in the Adapter ID 1, 2, ...,nfields.
- To specify more than one value for a column, create an additional row for that adapter and include the value in the column in that row. To ensure that the additional row is associated with the intended virtual machine, copy the VM ID, VM Name,vCenter Server, and Adapter ID column values.
- To specify an IP address for a network adapter on each of the protected and recovery sites, or to specify multiple DNS server addresses, add a new row for each address. Copy the VM ID, VM Name, and Adapter ID values to each row.